Page 12 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 12

Selling September 20th, 21st & 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This filly is a half-sister to NTR Setter & G3 Winner DUCK DASH N GO SI 112 (2018, $89,462). His dam is NTR Setter & G2 Winner DUCK MEA RUNNING SI 110 ($213,229).
Hip No.
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
Dominyun SI 104
Mea Dominator
Mea Dominator
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Super De Kas SI 103 Juana Mystica SI 98
{Merganser SI 105 Checker Stride SI 101
February 18, 2017 Sorrel Filly
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{Tour De Kas SI 95 Delta Duck SI 103
Duck Mea Running SI 110 (2005)
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
This colt is a half-brother to Remington Park Futurity-RG2 Winner LA VENCEDORA All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108.
SiIr9e7o($f511063,2R96O)Man,d7NsTtRakSeesttewri&nnGe3rsW,i$n2ne,1r5J2U,5M4P5N, iSnHcAl.KMEISSI 11F2E(E$T18D2,O29W9N). FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107
245 Impecabal 245 ($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
1st dam February 1, 2017 Sorrel Colt
DUCK MEA RUNNING SI 110, by Tour De Kas. 11 wins to 5, $213,229,
{PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Oklahoma Derby [G2], Bob Moore Memorial S., [G3],DTahsheinSFuoldliedsen Impact
Freighttrain B SI 115
H.-NTR, 220y in 0:11.695, Bill Hedge Memorial S., GoMldr eEnyeDOrpiellner SI.1,0L6and
Dianetogetcha SI 108 {
ImpeRcuabnalS. [R], 2nd Speedhorse Derby [R] [G2], Juno’DsiaRneetoqmueetscthaS.I 1[0G33],
5813O56k6lahoma Juvenile Challenge [G3], 3rd Bob Moore Memorial S. [G3], Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99
[G2]. (S20e0t2)NTR at Fair Mead{ows, 350y in 0:17.348. SSitsreteakrintoSixLSAI W104ANDA Shake Em Six SI 97 {
OklaJhesosmShaakDemerSbI y91Challenge [G3], finalist in the Bob SMcooopireeFeMineSmI 9o9rial S.
FAY SI 103, Tour de Quack SI 102. Dam of 13 foalsSohfakrae cItinTogEamgSeI 9(t6hree
2-year-olds, 2 starts, both ROM), 11 to race, 10 ROM, 7 winners, including–
By FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 115 (2008). 9 wins, $421,761 [RG3]. Sire of 104 ROM,
This colt is a half-brother to NTR Setter & Prairie Meadows Ch. Ch.-G2 Winner ABUNDANZ DUCK DASH N GO SI 112 (f. by Coronas Fast Dash). 11 wins in 21 starts to 4,
11 stakes winners, $4,136,455 incl. BV MIDNITE EXPRESS SI 98 (5 wins,
SI 1201($87,1$,88167),8a9n2d,HIonbdbespAemnedreicnacFeutDuraity-GH2.R[uGn3n]e,r-OUpneViAdLaOCRUouSnStyI 8F6a($ir54F,8u6tu9)-. $769,319, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), MOONIE BLUES SI 92 ($405,379, Los
HAipl NWoi.ld West Fut.), BYECBonYsEigFneRdEbIyGBHobTbTyRD.ACIoNx SI 106 ($274,629 [HRiGp3N])o,. S., Bitterroot Derby [R], 3rd Los Alamitos Distaff Chlg. [G2], finalist [G1].
rity-NTR, 300y in 0:15.050, A Ransom S., Rebs Little Lulu S., 2nd B & W
274 Telluryde 274 Makit Snappi SI 99 (f. by One Dashing Eagle). Winner to 3, 2018, $68,558,
TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820
[G3]), BS SPECIAL SI 95 ($125,190), GOOD JOB HONEY SI 95 ($107,265).
2nd Valley Junction Futurity.
1st dam
February 8, 2017 Brown Colt
Streicher SI 98 (g. by American Runaway). 3 wins to 4, 2018, $27,778. JESSSHAKEMSI91,byMrJessPerry.Winnerto3,$8,90C2or.oDnaaCmartoefl S1I59f7oalsof
{PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {
Duck It SI 92 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, $17,864. Dashin Follies
racing age (two 2-year-olds, both started), 14 to race, 10 winners, including–
Freighttrain B SI 115
Vigilante SI 97 (g. by Coronas Fast Dash). Winner to 3, M$r1E6y,e92Op0e.ner SI 106
LA VENCEDORA SI 97 (f. by IDviaonreytoJgeatcmhaeSsI).1058 wins in{ 9 starts to 3, 2018,
Telluryde Dianetomeetcha SI 103 One Dashing Duck SI 87 (f. by One Dashing Eagle). Winner to 3, 2018, $13,659.
$516,296, Remington Park Oklahoma Bred Futurity [R] [G2], Oklahoma
K a l e i d o s k o p e S I 8 0 ( f . b y P Y C P a i n t Y o u r W a g o n ) . W i n n e rS at r et a2k,i n2 L0a1J8o ,l l a$ 9S I, 89 94 2 .
Derby [G3], 2nd Governors S., Mr Master Bug S. [R].
Jess A Lil Bit More SI 108
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {
Scoopie Fein SI 99
2nJdUdMaPmN SHAKE SI 112 (c. by Jumpn). 9 wins at 2 and 4, $182,299, Gillespie
Takin On The Cash SI 109
DELTA DUCK SI 103, by Merganser. 6 wins to 4, $25,401, finalist in the West County Fair Futurity [G3]-NTSRh,ez3a5L0ilbyituinino0S:1I 976.246, A{naheim Overnight S.,
Texas Winnermaker Breeders’ Futurity [R] [G3]. Set NTR at Retama Park,
Beduinos Rusty SI 106
2nd First Down Dash S., Anaheim Overnight S., 3rd Kaweah Bar H. [G3], By3F3R0EyIiGnH0T:1T6R.9A9I0N.BOSuIt 1o1f 5C(h2e0c0k8e).r9Swtriindse,.$D4a21m,7o6f11[1RsGta3r]t.eSrisr,e8owf 1in0n4eRrsO–M,
Cypress S., finalist Dash for Cash Fut. [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1]. D1U1CsKtakMeEsAwRinUnNeNrsIN, $G4,S1I3161,405(5f.inbyclT. oBuVr MDeIDKNaITs)E. SEtXaPkeRsEwSiSnnSeIr,9a8b(o5vwe.ins,
Meserret SI 91 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $63,405, 2nd Black L $ A 7 W6 9 A , 3 N 1 D 9 A , H F e A r i Y t a S g I e 1 P 0 l 3 a c ( f e . b F y u T t . o [ u G r 1 D ] e ) , K M a O s O ) . N 4 I w E i n B s L t U o E 4 S , $ S 6 I 4 9 , 5 2 0 ( 9 $ , 4 O 0 5 k , l 3 a 7 h 9 o , m L a o s
Gold 350 Futurity [R].
AlHWorisldemWeens’st DFeurtb.)y, [BRY] E[GB3]Y, E2nFdREFaIGirHMTeTaRdAoIwNs SIop1h0o6m(o$r2e74S,.6D29am[RoGf–3]),
Stevie Six SI 94 (f. by Jumpn). Winner, $14,795, 3rd Corona Chick H. Dam of–
TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820 THANK YOU MR JACK SI 105. 4 wins, $44,756, AQRA-Turf Paradise Derby.
Siximoons SI 92 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 3, 2018, $73,582, 2nd
[G3]), BS SPECIAL SI 95 ($125,190), GOOD JOB HONEY SI 95 ($107,265). Miss Delta Duck SI 109. 6 wins to 5, $73,159, 2nd Gold Rush S. Set NTR.
New Mexico HBA Stakes [R] [G2], 3rd By By JJ S. [R].
1sOt dneamParty Girl SI 86. Winner to 3, $11,047, 3rd Cherokee Nation S.
Rumers SI 101 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 6, $58,992. JEESsStreAllaLIDLaBmITmMSOI 9R6E. S3 Iw1i0n8s,tboy3M, 2r0J1e8s,s$P6e2r,r4y7.86, wfininaslistot [4G, 1$]1.45,165, Dash
An Agitator SI 94 (g. by American Runaway). Winner to 5, 2018, $14,042, TouFrorDCeaQshuaDcekrbSyI [1G012],(fT. QbyHTAoSuireDse’ CKuaps)D. e6rbwyin[sR]to[G53, ]$,4fi7n,a2l2is4t,in2nthdeRDeadsh
3rd West Texas Juvenile S., finalist in the Four Corners Futurity [G3]. fEoarrCthaHsh. [FGu3tu],rfitinya[lGis1t ]in. DthaemCoafs1in5ofCoalshoDf erarbcyin[gGa3g].eD(atwmoo2f-–year-olds, 1
Jess Shake A Leg SI 91 (g. by Jumpn). 2 wins to 4, $28,502.
started), 13 to race, 11 ROM, 9 winners, including–
CHILLED WINE SI 99. 6 wins to 3, $78,347, Oklahoma Juvenile Challenge
Shake Djibouti SI 90 (f. by TR Dasher). 3 wins to 4, $27,483, finalist [G1]. ABUN[GD3A],NfiZnaSliIst1i2n0th(eg.HbeyritaCgoeroPnlacCeaFrutetul)r.ity4[wGi1n]s. to 4, $71,817, Prairie
2nd dam
AmMbeasdsoawdsorCshDaamupg.htCehraSlIle1n0g4e. 3[wGi2n]s., $S2e8t,3N8T3R, 3radtFIanidr iManeadGowrasnJduvR. ace
SHAKE EM SIX SI 97, by Streakin Six. Broodmare of the Year in 1996; 4 wins Course, 330y in 0:16.275.
Duck Mea Flying SI 97. Winner at 2, $17,854, 3rd FL Lady Bug S. [R].
to 3. Sister to SHAKE SIX SI 99 ($135,408 G3]); half sister to SPECIAL
116 SPEEDHORSE, September 2018 HVigahloFrulysinSgID8u6c(kg.(fb.ybVyaTloiaunrtDHerKoa).s2).wWininsnteor3to, $35,4$,58,6196,02.nDdaHmoobfb–s America SHAKE SI 104 ($478,645, Dash For Cash Futurity [G1]). Dam of 13 ROM–
Futurity [G2], finalist in the Southwest Juvenile Champ. S. [G1], West HOT PEPPER JESS SI 107. 5 wins to 5, $103,143, Scorpion S., 3rd Blink of
SHAKE THE BANK SI 105 (f. by Bully Bullion). $372,585: Champion Texas Futurity [G2].
an Eye Dash S., Don Steele S., qualified Remington Futurity [G1]. 2-Year-Old Filly in U.S., Mexican Champion, Champion 3-Year-Old
Gold Rrrush SI 99 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 6, $51,103, 3rd Roble Rojo
Filly in Mexico, Mexican Triple Crown, 14 wins to 8, $372,585 in U.S. &

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