Page 10 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 10
Selling September 20th, 21st & 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This filly is the first foal out of a half-sister to Champion AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 ($686,355). From the family of Champion HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 ($1,885,283).
Hip No.
Dominyun SI 104
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Chick SI 113
{Strawfly Special SI 97 Dashing Phoebe SI 104
An American Cartel SI 93 (2012)
March 24, 2017 Sorrel Filly
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{Corona Cartel SI 97 Allamericandreamgirl SI 103
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
This colt is half-brother to 6-Time Winner RATIFYS EGYPTIANKING SI 96 (2018, $92,446). All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108.
H S i i s r e d a o m f i 1 s 0 A 3 l l A R m O e M r i c , a 7 n s F t u a t . k - G e s 1 R w u i n n n n e e r r U s , p $ S 2 H , 1 E 5 S 2 A , 5 F 4 I R 5 S , T i n R c A l . T M I F I Y S S S I F 1 E 0 2 E ( T $ 4 D 4 O 8 , W3 2 N 1 ) . FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 (1$830,528), Damn Strait SI 1C01 (o4 wgins,i$z13a1,n32t6,e2nd Speedhorse Fut.1[G3]5).
1st dam
January 24, 2017 Brown Colt
AN AMERICAN CARTEL SI 93, by Corona Cartel. Winner to 3, $8,274. This is
her first foal.
{Holland Ease SI 109 {First Down Dash SI 105 Easy Henryetta SI 90
Corona Cartel SI 97
2nd dam Corona Chick SI 113 {Chicks Beduino SI 104
C A o L g L n A i z Ma n E t e R I C A N D R E A M G I R L S I 1 0 3 , b y S t r a w f l y S p e c i a l . 2 S wi z z i n l i n s g t L o i l 4 S , I $ 9 3 1 5 , 6 7 1 , 58164fi8n2alist in the Las Damas H. [G2], qualified to New Mexico Juvenile Chal-
First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114 lenge [G3]. Dam of 26 foals to race, 21 ROM, including–
Shesa First Ratify SI 102 First Prize Rose SI 98
AMERIC(20A0N7) RUNAWAY SI 2-Year-Old,Champion2-Year-OldColt,4winsto3,D$a6s8h6B,a3b5y5S,I 9R9uidoso
105 (c. by Ocean Runaway). Champion Ratify SI 101 {Chicks Beduino SI 104
Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], By CORONA CARTEL SI 97 (1994). 6 wins, $557,142 [G1]. Sire of 165 stakes
This cRolet mis ianghatolfn-brPoathrekrFtouStutariktyes[GPl1a]c.eSdiWrei.nner GOING VIRAL SI 93 ($45,546). His dam winners, $59,020,198, 9 champions incl. BLUES GIRL TOO SI 104 (world
FEATisUaRfuEll DsisRteErAtoMEGdIBRuLrkSeIM9i5llio(nf. Fb.y-GF1eWatiunnrerMCrHJAeZsAsQ). 2SIw1i0n4s(a$t9363, ,$62674),8. 27, champion, $2,032,328 [G1]), TELLER CARTEL SI 108 ($1,212,471, All Am.
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. Fut. [G1]), FIVE BAR CARTEL SI 91 ($1,068,825 [G1]), CARTERS CARTEL
N.D. Park Derby, 2nd MN Stallion Breeders/NCQHRA Derby [R]. Dam of–
FEATURE A RUNAWAY SI 96. 2 wins at 3, $46,820, Canterbury Park SI 103 ($659,146 [G1]), and of EYE FOR CORONA SI 99 ($1,100,121 [G1]),
143 Analytix 143 Derby, finalist in the Two Rivers S. [G3].
CHAZAQ SI 104 ($963,664 [G1]), PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON SI 107 [G1]. Feature A Flash SI 95. Winner at 2, $7,386, 2nd North Dakota Futurity [R].
1st dam
April 8, 2017 Sorrel Colt
Teller Ima Dream SI 93 (g. by Teller Cartel). 6 wins to 6, $50,275.
Streakin Six SI 104 SHESA FIRST RATIFY SI 102,SbtryeaFkiinrsLat JDoollawSnI 9D9 ash. 5{ wins to 3, $448,321,
Tempting Dashforcash SI 102 (g. by Tempting Dash). 4Bwotitnosm’tsoU5p ,S$I 8323,074.[rGy S2I]1,123ndAllAmericanFuturity[G1],finalistintheAllAmerican
AllamericanCoronaSI103(f.byCoronaCartel).Winnerto3S,in$n1F2e,i4n7S3I .9D8 amof–
Scoopie Fein SI 99 {
Derby [G1], Southwest Juvenile Champ. [G1], Hobbs America Futurity
Analytix Legs La Scoop SI 95 Gatlinberg SI 90. Placed twice in 2 starts at 2, 2018, 3rd Bonus Chlg. Futurity.
[G3]. Dam of 8 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds, 1 started), 5 to race, all 5821023
Coronas Dreamgirl (f. by Corona Cartel). Unraced. DamHolflaOndNEEaseDSAI S10H9 ING winners, including– Corona Cartel SI 97 {
3rd dam(2008)
All About Ease SI 98 {First Down Dash SI 105
DRAEllANMTheSJIe1an0s1S(I297winsat2,2018,$17,871,UtahBreCdoroFnuatCuhrictyk)S.I 113 Ratifys Egyptianking SI 96 (f. by Tres Seis). 6 wins to 5, 2018, $92,446.
Luminatre SI 88 (g. by First Moonflash). 3 wins to 3, 2018, $52,982, finalist in Effortless Again
DASHING PHOEBE SI 104, by Dash For Cash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly,
the Ruidoso Futurity [G1].
By CMhRaJmEpSioSnP3E-RYeRaYr-SOIld11F3ill(y1,91912)w. Cinhsainm2p0iosnta, r$t6s,8$76,10894,5[5G31,]K-NaTnsRa.sSFiruet.of
Camana Bay SI 101 (g. by Foose). 3 wins to 5, $44,314.
Th[iGs fi1l]ly, iKsanhsalfs-sDisterbtoy L[Gos1A],laemtcit.osDWaminteorf D1e7rbRyO-GM1 P(1lacAePdHSAEN),OinRclGuIdAinNgN–I SI 94
1,117 ROM, 143 stakes winners, $53,762,767, 9 champions, incl.
Genereightor SI 82 (c. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, 2018, $9,600.
( $ 1 H A 3 9 E P , 8 A O 5 R L 2 ) L T a I S T n Wd I C G I A D o L E v e O J r n E P o S E r ’ S s N C S S u I I p 1 1 0 D 0 7 e 4 r ( b w ( y f . o - R b r y G l d 3 F c e R h a u a t n u m n r e e p r - Mi U o r p n J , F e $ O s 1 O s , 3 ) S . 9 E C 9 I h , S 8 a 3 L m 1 O p [ O G i o S 1 n E ] ) S 2 , I - M Y 9 4 e A a ( T $ r A - 1 O 1 B 2 l d A , 1 , R 7 0 I ) .
2nd Cdhaammpion 3-Year-Old, 11 wins in 13 starts to 3, $1,885,283, All American SI 104 ($1,410,471, Los Al 2 Million Fut. [G1]), ONE FAMOUS EAGLE SI 101
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. RATFIFuYt. [SGI1]0, R1,ubidyoCsohiFcukts. [BGe1d],uRinaoin.b2owinDsearbty3[,G$13]2,,R3u3i8d,ofsinoaDliesrtbiny [tGhe1]H, etrci.tage
($1,387,453, Los Al 2 Million Fut. [G1]), NOCONI SI 105 (champion 2 years,
S$1P,E43la5C9c6IeA,4LD5e9P,rHbAOyll[EAGBm1E]e,SrqSiIuc1ah0nli4feiDe(SedzprtbeoycDRia[eGlomE1f]imnf)o,grAto)i.RnCEPhVaErmktNpFiAinuoNtnuTgrAiStygI e9[Gd11(M$].a6Dr0ea4,m,8102o10wf 8[4iGnf9so1,a])l.s
to$1ra39ce,9,663,RWOoMrld, ’isnCclhuadminpg.–Classic [G2], Rainbow Silver Cup [G2], etc. Dam
1st dam February 3, 2017 Sorrel Filly
SHoEfSAASFPIERCSITALRSANTOIFFYLSOI 1S0I 296(f(.$b1y1F7i,r1s7t1D[oGw3n]),DFaLsAhR).ESFtaOkResIVwOinRnYerS, Ia1b0o5ve. All N The Jeans SI 97, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins to 3, $120,036, 3rd Kindergar-
( $ 9 1 , 9 5 9 ) ; g r a n d d a m o f D U E L I M N r GJ e s J s U P Ae r Nr y S S I I 1 1 1 3 2 1 ( $ 4 7 5 { , 0 0 1 [ R ] [ G 2 ] ) .
JJs Ratify SI 102 (f. by JJ Shot Glass). 4 wins to 5, $51,092, finalist in the New
Dominyun SI 104
Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 { Challenge [G3], finalist Golden State Derby [G1], etc.
ten Futurity [G1], finalist in the Ed Burke Million FutSucoriotpyie[FGei1n]S.IS99ister to
ona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $70,554, California
Mexican Spring Fling [R] [G3].
CHAZAQ SI 104, Unlymited SI 90. Dam of 9 foals RoufnraawcayinWginanegreSI(1t0h4ree
SAheRz DaodmicinaaltSinhgotSI102(g.byJJShotGlass).3winsto7,$D3a4sh,i0n7D6ee,fDineeaSliIs1t0in5 the 2-year-olds, 2 started), 7 to race, 6 winners, including–
DASHINGFORDESTINY SI 97 (Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $56,961, TQHA 58135C69entral Champ. Challenge [G2] 3 times.
Going Viral SI 93 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 3, $H4e5nn,5es4s6y,TB2nd Prairie
Check Him Out SI 98 {
Sires’ Cup Derby [R] [G3], finalist Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of
3rd dMaemSahdeoscwhesckJinuuvmeonutilSeI C97hallenge. Check Her Twice SI 105
DJAeSaHniBolAogBiYSSI 1I 0919,(fb.ybDy aDsohmFinoyruCna).sWh.i2nnweinr astto2,42,0$198,6, $59C5o3.rS,o6nia9st1Cea,rftitenol aSUlIis9P7t NinEthXeT
Shenoshercorona SI 91 {
95 (at 2, 2018, $243,295 [G2]), Illtakeyouforarirde SI 98 ($26,410).
SRI e1m09in(g$t1o2n1P,1a0rk6,ORkelamhionmgtaonBPreadrkFDuteurrbity[[GR3] ][;Gs2e]t.NTR), IM NEXT SI 109
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Shenoshespecial SI 91
114 SPEEDHORSE, September 2018
2nd dam
SOLID DEMAND SI 102. 3 wins, $35,285, Pride of Texas H. [R] [G3]. BDyo(D$mO7a1Min,3IeN5YS8UI[G9N73S]()If,.1Mb0y4isD(s2oD0m0e8nin)to.y5unnsw)L.ine5sgw,a$cin3ys3S6toI,1480,19$,(23n7w,d6inR7s1u,.i$d5o2s,o10D9e,rfbinya[lGis1t []G, 31r]d;
This Dreams Flying. Dam of HES RELENTLESS SI 108 (Champion, $616,380).
SAoldluaAthmeroenrfiCMcarionswtFenuretJ.Se[GIs91s4].L(Hef.agblafy-cbAyrforSathIseh1ra0td3o,TA$B6D)0.O,27W9w4Nin; sRLIteGogH4aT,c2yR0UT1e8Nl,Als$W2A5Al,lY97S2II.1018,.
Si$r4e9o,7f 0110;3grRaOndMd,a7msotaf LkeEsGwAiCnYnSerAs,S$T2R,1E5A2,K5I4N5,SiIn1c1l.1M, $I1S1S7,F5E2E7T). DaOmWoNf
Embryo transfer. RGP 7/18 FI9RfSoTalSsIt9o4r(a$c3e2,27,2R3O2,MS,WinJculuvd.iCngh–amp. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
ALL ABOUT EASE SI 98, by First Down Dash. 6 wins in 12 starts to 3, $309,503, CTheixcaksdFausth. [nGS2I])8, 4TI(CKhLicEksURBeFdAuNinCoY). SWI i1n1n2e(r$t9o23,8, 6$16),,0Z2E4N. DERamGEoTf–IC SI 107
Ruidoso Fut. [G1], 3rd West Texas Fut. [G1]. Dam of 28 starters, 26 ROM– ($J8e0s,s52W8)i,lsDoanmSnIS1tr1a3it. S8I 1w0in1s(4tow8in,s$,7$71,3814,432, 63,r2dnPdigSgpieneSdthrionrgseSF.,uSt.o[nGo3i]ta).
CHAZAQ SI 104 (g. by Corona Cartel). 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $963,664, Ed