Page 9 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 9

This filly is a half-sister to Multiple Stakes-Placed Winner ALLIZOOM SI 102 ($113,016). Her dam is Champion & Kansas Futurity-G2 Winner LETT HER ZOOM SI 103 ($309,167).
Hip No.
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
A Porsche
A Porsche
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Takin On The Cash SI 109 Keep On Shining SI 103
{Vital Sign SI 105 Doolett Her Dash SI 92
Dominyun SI 104
January 9, 2017 Sorrel Filly
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{Shazoom SI 102 Lett Her Sign SI 92
Lett Her Zoom SI 103 (2001)
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
TAhlilsAcmolteirsicthaenfiFrsuttf.o[aGl o1u].t Hofaalfh-balrf-ostishter toGA3DWOinWneNr R&INGeHwTTRraUcNkARWecAoYrdSIe1tt0e8r.
Sire of 103 ROMA ,D7OWstNakReIsGHwTinRnUeNrsA,W$A2Y,1S5I21,50485($, 1in09c,l0. 5M3)I.SS FEET DOWN
HFipIRNSoT. SI 94 ($322,232, SWCJonusvig.nCedhbaymBpob. b[Gy D1.])C,oNx UCKY SI 105 ($114,6H8ip1,NWo.
60 Katapult 60 ($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107
1st dam February 17, 2017 Brown Colt
LETTHERZOOMSI103,byShazoom.Champion2-YeaSrtr-eOaklidn LFaiJlloylla,4SIw99insto
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {
4, $309,167, Kansas Futurity [G2], 2nd Texas ClassiSccoFoupiteuFreitiyn S[GI 919 ], Cen-
Captain Courage SI 100
Corona Chick SI 113 {Chicks Beduino SI 104
tral Derby Challenge [G3], 3rd Firecracker Futurity [G3]. Dam of 20 living
Sizzling Lil SI 91
foals of racing age, including an unstarted 2-year-old, 18 to race, 15 ROM,
11 winners, including– Ivory James SI 103 {Corona Cartel SI 97
Allizoom SI 102 (f. by First Prize Perry). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $113,016, 2nd
Runaway Ivory SI 93 Dashin Follies
Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104 Par-A-Dice S., Louisiana Purchase S. [R], 3rd Mother’s Day S. [R], finalist
in the Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of–
Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
BTyhCeAIvPoTrAyINLeCttOerUSRIA9G7E(f.SbIy1I0v0or(y20J0a5m).eWs)i.n8nwerin, s$2to135,25011,83,r(d$3A0ll,1A1m6eUrSicAa)n,
TFhuistin.fil[lMyGie1sx]a.ichHoaa,lf2l-fsn-ibsdtreHor titpohoeTdrQrtHomACSoOaDlReisOFtuaNtfufArCityCh-RaAlGSle1HnWgSeinI,n13e0rd1BC(RclIahMsaMimcIoEpCSiohAniLr)iL.nISaBiGrI eBlooSryfI s1.1728 ($2L2Re1O,t1tM5H4,e).1rH5BeersadtaSmkIei9s5aw(fufi.nllbnsiyestrIesvro,tor$yt4hJ,e6ad7ma6me,4so6).f6C6, hiwnaimcnlsp.iotWonI5AC,KR2E0VD1E8N,CA$O6NU3TR,2SA1I 9G91.E($S60I41,80050).
($1,132,848, Rainbow Derby [G1]), SECRET COURAGE SI 98 ($180,476,
Enthrall SI 102 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 3 wins to 3, $41,805.
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), GREY DAZE SI 89 ($174,715, TQHA Sale Fut.
Lett Him Zoom SI 95 (g. by Wave Carver). Winner to 4, $18,273.
[RG2]), CAPTAIN STRAWFLY SI 102 ($166,129, Dash For Cash Derby [G2]) 83 Mynt Condition 83
Ocean Getaway SI 87 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Winner to 3, $15,125. Dam of–
1st dam
Dashing Getaway SI 89. 2 wins in 3 starts to 3, 2018, $20,008. January 18, 2017 Brown Filly
RUNAWAY IVORY SI 93, by Ivory James. Winner to 3, $6,671, qualified to Zoomin To The Ocean SI 97 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Winner, $13,357. Dam of–
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Black Gold 330 Futurity [R] [G3]. Sister to Dee Dee Do Run Run SI 99. This Plenty O Toole B SI 87 (f. by Tac It Like A Man). WinScnoeoprietoFe4in, S$I1959 ,333.
is her first foal. { 2nd dam
Mynt Condition
2nd dam
Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
Dominyun SI 104
Runaway Winner SI 104
Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {
LETT HER SIGN SI 92, by Vital Sign. Winner at 3, $8,926, finalist in the
Runaway Dee Dee SI 105, by Runaway Winner. 3 wiDnashtoFor3C,a$sh2S5I,101648, 2nd
Oklahoma Futurity [G1]. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, including– Mr Eye Opener SI 106 {
ColTohresWoafythYoeuWaintdMSe.S,IS10u0ndownerTrailerS.[R],finaliBsetdRaweeteaSmI a92Derby[G2]. LETT HER ZOOM SI 103 (Shazoom). Champion, above.
Out of DASHIN DEE DEE SI 105 ($266,453 [G1]). SDpeacmial oEffo2rt0SIR1O04M–
LETT HER DASH SI 97 (PureHoDpe ADnadsGhlo)r.y 3SI 8w4ins to {3, $9,078, Dan Lockie
A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108 (First Down Dash). 11 wins to 6, $109,053,
Tonya Jay Bar SI 96
Derby. Dam of–
B y D C O o M n I g N r Y e s U s N M S a I t 1 . 0 [ G4 3 ( 2 ] , 0 O0 8 i l ) . C 5 a w p i i t n a s l , D $ e 3 r 3 b 6 y , , 1 D 8 o 1 n , 2 B n o d y R d u S i d . , o B s l u o e D R e r i v b e y r [ D G e 1 r ] b , y 3 r [ d R ] ,
TR Letther First SI 97. Winner to 4, 3rd Wyoming Bred Futurity [R].
This filly is a half-sister to NTR Setter & Prairie Meadows Ch. Ch.-G2 Winner ABUNDANZ
A l l 2 A n m d e C r i o c n a g n r e F s u s t . D [ G e r 1 b ] y . H [ G a 3 l f ] - , b Wr o i t n h d e y r C t o i t y A D D a O s Wh N S . R [ G I G 3 H ] , T e R t c U . N S e A t W N A T Y R . S I 1 0 8 .
Jess A Sign SI 103 (Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 6, $41,243, 2nd North Dakota SIS1i2re0 (o$f71,08317R) aOnMd,H7obsbtsaAkemserwicianFnuetrusri,ty$-G2,215R2u,n5n4e5r-,UinpcVlA. LMOISRSUSFSEIE8T6 (D$O54W,8N69).
RIDDICK SI 100 (Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 3, $67,598, Ben E. Keith S. [R], fi- Horse Park Bonus Challenge, finalist Will Rogers Derby Challenge [G3].
HiFpIRNnSoaT.lisStIi9n4t(h$e32T2e,x2a3s2,CSlaWsCsJoiucnvsFi.guCntehudarbimtypB[o.Gb[G1by]1.D]).,CNoUx CKYSI105($114,68H1,ipWN.o. One Bullett SI 97 (King Of Scat TB). 4 wins to 7, $49,653.
Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 Dominyun SI 104 (Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby
84 Fernweh 84 ($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
Lett There Be Zoom SI 113 (Shazoom). 6 wins to 5, $40,315.
[G1], 3rd All American Futurity [G1], Dash For Cash Futurity [G1]. 3rd dam
1sDtedeaDmee Do Run RuFneSbIru9a9r(yIv1o6ry, 2Ja0m17esS).oWrrienlnFeirlltyo 3, $11,132, 3rd Miss
DOOLETT HER DASH SI 92, by Dash For Cash. Placed to 3, $4,618. Sister to The Way You Want Me SI 100, by Mr Eye Opener. 4 wins to 4, $102,929, 3rd
Sam Houston S. [R], La Vilitta S. [R]. Phone Trick
Favorite Trick TB {
Camptown Dash SI 99, Miss Doo Dash (dam of STILL DO DASHIN SI 99,
$53,940; DASHIN BOBBIE S{I 99, $41,280; Ms Doo Streak SI 105, $53,708 [G3], finalist in the Rainbow Derby [G1]. SisterCotronaTCHarEteWl SAI 9Y7OU-
Rainbow Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G2], New Mexico Distaff Challenge Kpax SI 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $14,00E4v,ilfiEnlainliest in the Con-
Favorite Cartel SI 105
gress Derby [G3]. Dam of– Shenoshercorona SI 91 {
[G1]; granddam of FIRST KLAS FRED SI 103, Champion, $566,158 [G1]; F e r n Ww e A h N T M E T O O S I 1 0 8 , H E S A E Y E O P E N E R S I 1 0 2 . D S a h m e n o o s f h 1 e 9 s p l e i v c i i a n l g S I f o 9 1 a l s
JESSTIFIABLE SI 114. 5 wins to 7, $73,635, Hasta La Vista S.-NTR, 220y
Kick It In Gear SI 103, $40,052); half sister to TRUCKLE TOWN SI 107 58192o7f0racing age (two unstarted 2-year-olds), 14 to race, 12 winners, including–
i n 0 : 1 1 . 7 2 0 , E l M o r o d e C u m p a s S . - N T R , 3 r d H a s t S a t r e L a a k i n V L i s a t J a o l Sl a . S , I f i 9 n 9 a l i s t
($48,576-NTR).OutofMISSDOMrOJeTsOs PWerNry SII19123.Damo{f10ROM,including– BRIMMIES ALLI BI B SI 112 (f. by Brimmerton). 4 wins to 3, $221,154, TQHA
in the Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Set NTR 350y in 0:17.240.
PACK N(20D04A) SH SI 111 (Packin Sixes). 16 wins to 8, $105,291, All American
Jess A Lil Bit More SI 108 Scoopie Fein SI 99
Sale Futurity [R] [G1], finali
st Black Gold Fut. Champ. [R] [G3]. Dam of–
Sheza Lilbituino SI 96 {Takin On The Cash SI 109 Yurman SI 97. 3 wins to 6, 2018, $53,640, 2nd Lucky Loser S., 3rd Ruidoso
Congress Maturity, Heartbeat of America H. [R], 2nd Manor Downs Matu- BrimmiesWagonSI89(c.byPYCPaintYourWagon).WBiendnueinrosatR3us,t$y6S8I 1,10628,
Juvenile Challenge [G3].
rity [G3], Hill Country S., Purple Sage H. [R], etc.
finalist Ruidoso Derby [G1], Remington Okla Bred Derby [R] [G3].
By PFeArVryOpRhIeTrEy SCIA9R4T. EWLinSneI r1a0t52(,2$04087,1).194,w2indsT, Q$6H0A7,S6i6re9s[’GC1u]p. FSuirteuroityf 2[R2]4 CTohuep ADeTrLaoinu SI 93 (fC. boyupFrDeeighKtatrsaiTnBB).).2Wwininsetroto4,3$, 8$,300,691. of–
ROM,[2G12]s,t3arkdeRsewtaimnnaePrsa,rk$F6u,7tu5r3it,y90[G7,1i] LOTTA BLUES MAN SI 94 AClOli UBPSSI 9D0E(Vg.ILbLyEPSYIC94P.a3inwtiYnsoutor 6W, $a2g0o,n6)8. 92,wGirnasntdoP3r,a$ir2ie8,C8l9a8s.sic S., etc. ($S93a4ra,2h2S1o, GtaoSldI e1n17S.t4atweinMsiltloio7n, $F2u4t.,3[G751,])2,nLdITWTiLlliEamTA“DLKocS” SIa9n4de($rs56S3.,839rd7,
EANGFAITGTIENMGEWNTASY:SAIQ9H8 A(gC. bhyaBllerinmgme.erton). 6 wins in 12 starts to 3, $82,297,[sGC1]h),allReInTgEe SR.EtGwiAcLe. SI 97 ($400,612 [G2]),
Blink of an Eye S., Heritage Place Juvenile Inv. [R], 3rd Dash for Cash Juv. ATcAcSrRterZedaAitkNeindITgOMkSrlaIJh1eo0s1ms (Sa$I2B98r36e.,d16;9we3m)in, bsFrItyRoE5tr,Aa$Tn7sW8fe,7IrL3L9,SfIin9a2li(s5t [wGin2]s., $166,72R7GP, L7/o18s
Penthouse Sweet SI 93 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $110,583, finalist in Alamitos Wntr Derby [G1]), MAHONEY N TACKLEBERY SI 110 ($148,019).
Apolitical Pac SI 96. 4 wins to 4, $76,502, finalist Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. the Ruidoso Futurity [G1].
1 s R t u d n a a mw a y B r o o k e S I 8 9 ( B r o o k s t o n e B a y ) . W i n n e r t o 3 , $ 4 , 7 4 3 . D a m o f – Aventador SI 88 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 3 wins to 4, $41,299.
JESASPAOLLILITBICITAML BOROEOSKI 1E0S8I,9b3y. 4Mwr iJnessast P2,e$r1ry4.26,3w61in,sStWo 4Ju, v$.1C4h5a,1m6p5.,[DGa1s].h Feature Jess Me SI 98 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). 3 wins to 7, $25,302. FlFasohriCnaDseheDDeerbeyS[IG818],(TFQirsHtAToSiFrelass’hC).uPplDaceerbdya[tR2].[DGa3m], foinf–alist in the Dash Hermes For Me B SI 96 (f. by Separatist). Winner to 3, $8,574. Dam of–
BfoErACCaHshCFAuRtuTrEityL[SGI11]0. 2D.a1m4 owfin1s5info2a4lssotaf rtasctinog6,a2g0e1(8tw, $o324-1y,e0a7r7-o, lBdlsu,e1 Beyond Speed SI 91 (c. by FDD Dynasty). Winner at 2, 2018, $8,268.
s t a r t R e d i v ) e , r 1 D 3 e t r o b r y a [ c R e ] , , 1 S 1 t e R r l i O e M B e , r 9 t r w a mi n n M e e r s m , o i n r i c a l u l S d i . n [ g R – ] , B o r n R u n n e r C l a s s i c
2nd dam
ABUNSD.A[RN]Z,2SndI B12o0bW(go.obdyarCdoMroenmaorCialrCtelal)s.s4icwSi.n[Rs]t,oBo4r,n$R7u1n,8n1e7r,CPlarsasiricie
HOPE AND GLORY SI 84, by Special Effort. 2 wins. Half sister to FAST AND MeaSd. [oRw],s3rCdhHaamrlpe.y CGhreaellneengDer[bGy2[R].],SHeotosNieTrRPartk CInldaisasnicaSG. [rRa]ntdwicRea.ce
Mike Turner, Assistant Manager Leslie Turner, DVM, Resident Veterinarian
Bill Melson, General Manage
Peaster, Texas • (817) 594-83
RACY SI 101 ($128,552 [R] [G3]; dam of RACY RUNNER SI 105, $136,803 BCEoAuCrsHeR, 3U3N0Ny EinR0S:1I 69.92.745w. ins to 7, 2018, $139,522, Indiana Grand Classic
[R] [G1]). Out of TONYA JAY BAR SI 96 ($51,980). Dam of 8 ROM– ValoruSs.,S2In8d6S(tge.rbliey VBearlitaranmt HMeerom).o2riawliSns. [tRo]3, ,3$rd54H,o8o6s9i,e2r nPdarHkoCblbassAicm[eRr] THEWAYOUWANTMETOO SI 108 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). 4 wins to 3,
CFouctourBiteya[cGh2S],I 1fi0n1a.li4stwiinsthtoe4S, $o5u5th,0w1e9s, t2nJduvQeHnRileA CInhdaiamnap.SS.A[DGe1r]b,yW[Re]s. t $327,953, Rainbow Futurity [G1]-NTR, 400y in 0:19.209, finalist in the
J T e s e s x a J s a c F e u t S u I r 9 i t 1 y . [ WG i 2 n ] n . e r t o 4 , 2 0 1 8 , $ 5 1 , 7 3 2 , 3 r d G o r d o n M o b l e y F u t u r i t y [ R ] . Rainbow Derby [G1], Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Dam of–
SI 99 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 6, $51,103, 3rd Roble Rojo
Gold Rrrush
A REVENANT SI 91. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, 3 wins in 4 starts at 2,

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