Page 44 - LQHBA 2019 Membership Directory
P. 44

A breeder shall be designated as the owner/lessee of the mare at the time of foaling.
In order to have a foal Accredited Louisiana Bred, the mare and stallion shall have a DNA or blood type test made and reported to the LQHBA before the Association will issue a Certificate of Accreditation as provided hereinafter. The LQHBA required DNA kit or blood typing kit shall be obtained from the American Quarter Horse Association, P. O. Box 200, Amarillo, TX 79168. 806.376.4811 (T).
A stallion owner (or lessee), for the purpose of stallion awards, shall be designated
as the owner (lessee) at the time of service. Unless otherwise approved by the board of directors, the foal must be by a stallion standing in the State of Louisiana from January 1 through December 31 of the year the foal is conceived. For the purpose of this definition a stallion shall be deemed standing within the state of Louisiana if he is physically within the boundaries of the state at all times during that period.
The owner (lessee) shall notify the LQHBA in writing and in advance if an Accredited Stallion is to be removed from the state for any authorized purpose to include specifically, but not exclusively, i.) racing, ii.) consignment to an out-of-state auction or, iii.) medical purposes. The LQHBA shall be notified in writing when the stallion returns to the state of Louisiana.
All stallions standing in the State of Louisiana for the purpose of breeding and siring Accredited Louisiana Bred foals must be bloodtyped/DNA typed prior to the commencement of the breeding season.
The owner (lessee) of any stallions standing in the State of Louisiana for the purpose of breeding and siring Accredited Louisiana Bred foals shall file a copy of the AQHA stallion breeding report with the LQHBA prior to or on December 1st of each breeding season. Owners who intend to participate in the stallion award program shall pay to the LQHBA a fee of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars for each such stallion which shall be paid together with the stallion breeding report.
All mares are subject to inspection at any time by the LQHBA.
The foal must be out of a mare confined within the boundaries of the State of Louisiana from conception until the consummation of the accreditation process. A foal must be officially Accredited Louisiana Bred prior to leaving the State.
If a mare in foal is removed from the State of Louisiana because of being consigned to an out-of-state public auction or for medical purposes it must be reported in writing to the LQHBA prior to leaving the State and the mare must be back in the State of Louisiana within ten (10) days of the sale or return for medical purposes and reported in writing the date of return for the foal to remain eligible for its accreditation.
Mares owned by out of state residents that are leased to Louisiana residents for the purpose of obtaining a Louisiana Bred foal are subject to the following rule: The lease must
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