Page 23 - April 2016
P. 23

                                Million Dollar Sire
   $10 Million+
• The 51 stallions that have surpassed $10 Million in earnings represent 10.2 percent of all Million Dollar Sires.
• Only two Thoroughbreds have sired Quarter Horses that have earned more than $10 Million: Beduino and Raise Your Glass. Beduino was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame in 2008. Raise Your Glass has not yet been inducted.
• There are only three Million Dollar Stallions overall to sire more than 1,000 winners
and all three have sired over $10 Million in earnings: Easy Jet (1,382), First Down Dash (1,356) and Chicks Beduino (1,128).
• The five youngest stallions to make it over $10 Million are One Famous Eagle (2005), FDD Dynasty (2004), Valiant Hero (2004), PYC Paint Your Wagon (2003), Oak Tree Special (born in 2000).
• First Down Dash is the only Million Dollar Sire overall to be represented by more than 200 stakes winners with 249, who have accounted for 499 stakes wins, followed by Corona Cartel at 146, and then Dash For Cash and Easy Jet, both at 145.
• First To Shine has the fewest number of stakes winners at 15, followed by Dean
Miracle and Panther Mountain, both at 23. • Easy Jet is the only Million Dollar Sire rep-
resented by more than 2,000 starters with at 2,019. First Down Dash is second at 1,925, followed by Chicks Beduino at 1,714.
• One Famous Eagle has the fewest number of winners among the $10 Million Sires with 186, while Easy Jet has the most at 1,382. These two stallions also had the fewest starters – One Famous Eagle at 295; and the most starters - Easy Jet at 2,019.
• Valiant Hero has the fewest number of race- age foals at 507, with Dash Ta Fame leading the list at 2,836.
• FirstDownDash,EasyJet,ChicksBeduino, Mr Eye Opener, Corona Cartel and Special Effort are the only Million Dollar Sires overall to have more than 1,000 Register of Merit offspring.
• TresSeis,the#18all-timeleadingsireby money earned with over $20.2 million in earnings, is the sire of AQHA’s #1 all- time leading money earner – Ochoa with $2,781,365 banked.
• Ofthe19stallionswith$20Millionormore in offspring earnings, five are in the AQHA Hall of Fame: First Down Dash, Dash For Cash, Chicks Beduino, Easy Jet and Streakin La Jolla. Of the remaining stallions with $10 Million or more in offspring earnings, three additional stallions are in the AQHA Hall
of Fame: Special Effort, Streakin Six and Beduino TB.
Rocket Wrangler
• Jesse James Jr’s average earnings per starter leads the list of $9 Million Sires at $27,872.
• On A High’s leading money earner accounted for the most earnings among the group, with See Me Do It’s $913,464.
• Rocket Wrangler is the only AQHA Hall of Famer among the $9 Million Sires.
   First Down Dash
Oak Tree Special
PYC Paint Your Wagon
FDD Dynasty
        $9 Million
• Thereareonlyfive$9MillionSires,which represents less than 2 percent of all Million Dollar Sires.
• Theoldest$9MillionSireisRocket Wrangler, born in 1968. The youngest is Ivory James, born in 2004.
• Jesse James Jr has the fewest race-age foals (560), starters (341), winners (212), stakes winners (21), and wins (468). Only Ivory James has fewer stakes wins – 32 compared to Jesse James Jr’s 40.
One Famous Eagle
Valiant Hero
Jesse James Jr
Ivory James
• Easily Smashed and Rocket
Wrangler led the group by race-age foals, starters and winners. Easily Smashed’s 1,667 race age foals included 1,188 start- ers and 720 winners; Rocket Wrangler’s 1,629 foals included 1,221 starters and 762 winners.
SPEEDHORSE, April 2016 21

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