Page 28 - The Golf Society Bible 2023
P. 28


         IF      you have ever       Seve Ballesteros and        5,747 to 7,319 yards and the

                                     co-designed by renowned golf
                                                                 limestone land ensures a
                 played golf on the
                 ‘Ballesteros’ course
         at The Heritage Golf Resort   architect Jeff Howes. What’s   magnificent playing surface all
                                     more, ours is the only course
                                                                 year round.
         in Killenard, Co Laois, you will   in Ireland designed by the
         know what ‘amazing’ really   5-time major winner and    There is an orthodox
         means, and if you haven’t,   Ryder Cup hero.            configuration of four par-fives,
         this is the reason you need                             four par-threes and ten par-
         to swing into action and pay   Five lakes and a stream   fours for an overall par of 72.
         us a visit in 2023. Here at The   meander through the course   In keeping with the best
         Heritage, we are more than   and brings water into play on   design principles, the par-fives
         happy to welcome society and   10 holes. 98 beautifully shaped   are all in different directions
         corporate events of any size.  bunkers and 7,000 trees adorn   and while the short fourth and
                                     the landscape, which is very   short seventeenth are both
         THE  GOLF  C O UR S E       gently undulating without any   facing west, the tee shots are
         As the name suggests, our   climbing involved.          from crucially different angles.
         Ballesteros golf course is a
         little piece of heaven created   The variety of tees allows   The Heritage also boasts
         by golfing legend           the course to be played from   excellent finishing holes on

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