Page 16 - St. Margaret's Golf Club - Membership Brochure
P. 16

How does the monthly payment plan work?
                All  new  Members  can  avail  of  a  monthly
                payment plan using the secure
                payment portal.

                The payment plan will commence on 6 day of
                the following month after you join and run until
                October. Card details must be provided at time
                of joining to avail of the payment plan.

                Note:  The  5%  cost associated  with  processing
                direct  debits  is charged by  our  providers
        and  GolfClubSubs.  The  Club
                itself  does  not  collect  any  of  these processing

                costs,  nor  does  it  profit  from  this  transaction  in
                anyway. As such, your payment to the Golf Club
                is solely that of your annual subscription amount
                plus Golf Ireland and Insurance fees.

                Are payments secure?

                Yes, payments are being processed using secure
                online  portals  provided  to  the  Golf  Club  by
        and  AIB  Merchant  Services,
                both world renowned secure payment platforms.
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