Page 3 - St. Margaret's Golf Club - Membership Brochure
P. 3

Column Width

 Can you update the coiumns witdths on each page to
 match the one on his page. The wider column looks off.

                           W E L C O M E

             St.  Margaret’s  Golf  &  Country  Club  is  one  of
             Ireland's premier parkland courses. As a former
             host venue to the Ladies Irish Open, the Seniors
             Irish Open, and the Irish PGA Championship the
 Update Heading
             club  is  steeped  in  history.  We  offer  a  wide
 Lets update the heading style to this layout on pages 6 / 7   variety  of  exciting  golf  membership  packages,
 / 8 / 12
 M E M B E R  carefully designed to suit every golfer.
 H O S P I T A L I T Y
             Designed  by  the  legendary  pairing  of  Mr.  Pat
             Ruddy  and  Mr.  Tom  Craddock,  the  18-hole
             championship  golf  course  is  presented  in

             pristine  condition  all  year  long.  The  course
             boasts  beautifully  tree  lined  fairways,  perfectly
 On Pages 14 - 18  lets just include the small SM Gold
 with line only  manicured greens and wonderful water features
             which meander throughout the course, offering
             golfers  of  all  levels  a  most  enjoyable  golfing


 Can you check out that all the colours are all the same.
 Looks like there could be two different Gold’s being used
 (Logo and Font?)
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