Page 25 - The Membership Bible 2021 - Draft 1
P. 25

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         in history, the club has long   past six years this has been   club outlining its ambitious
         been associated with quality.   evident with the clubhouse   plans to continue its pursuit
         Built by world class golf   and golf course all undergoing   of excellence to members last
         course designers Pat Ruddy   significant makeovers. Since   week. Quality always awaits
         and Tom Craddock, the course   the end of 2014, over €1.2m   members and guests at the
         design and conditioning is   has been invested leading   club, but these enhancements
         second to none. Under the   to improvements in every    take it a further step forward
         management of Synergy Golf,   aspect of the facility. Now a   to its overall goals.
         the club’s motto has been to   further €1m is planned over
         always improve and over the   the next five years with the

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