Page 43 - The Membership Bible 2021 - Draft 1
P. 43

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         Motocaddy M-Series range    for smartphone alerts       all terrain rear wheels and new
         and combines unrivalled     and course updates. The     anti-glare LCD widescreen
         functionality with luxury   responsive screen offers    display featuring an on-screen
         finishes.                   distances to the front, middle   remote battery meter to
         The new M-TECH will be      and back of the green, plus   ensure the wireless handset
         available at an RRP of      hazard information for over   remains charged.
         €1,499.99 including an      40,000 worldwide courses.   The new M7 REMOTE comes
         extended 3-year warranty.   Both models available at the   with a graphite frame and
                                     following RRP’s - €849.99   Lithium battery at €1,199.99
                                     (Standard Lithium) and      RRP.
         BRAND NEW M3 GPS            €899.99 (Ultra Lithium) and M3
                                     GPS DHC €899.99 (Standard
         Incorporating a high resolution   Lithium) and €949.99 (Ultra   EASY-TO-USE M1
         2.8” LCD touchscreen display,   Lithium).
         the M3 GPS models can                                   Quick and easy to fold, the
         connect to the Motocaddy                                award-winning M1 is the
         GPS app through Bluetooth®                              simplesttouse compact trolley
                                                                 in the world and boasts a
                                                                 car boot friendly design for
                                                                 optimum storage.
                                                                 A speed indicator offering
                                                                 nine speed settings, colour-
                                                                 coded battery meter and
                                     TAKE CONTROL                Adjustable Distance Control up
                                                                 to 45 yards are featured on an
                                     The popular compact-        impressive new anti-glare LCD
                                     folding M7 REMOTE features   widescreen display.
                                     a rechargeable handset,     M1 - €699.99 (Standard
                                     removable anti-tip rear wheel   Lithium) and €749.99 (Ultra
                                     and automatic Downhill      Lithium) and M1 DHC -
                                     Control technology for the   €749.99 (Standard Lithium)
                                     ultimate in responsive control.  and €799.99 (Ultra Lithium).
                                     Upgrades include new slimline

                                                   FOR  MORE  INFORMA TION  ABO UT
                                                   MO T OC ADD Y  ELE C TRIC  TR OLLEY S ,
                                                   PLE A S E  VI S IT  WWW. MO T OC ADD Y. C OM
                                                   OR   FOLL O W  @ MO T OC ADD Y GOLF .

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