Page 8 - The Membership Bible 2021 - Draft 1
P. 8

Our guide for playing golf & staying safe
         DURING THE COVID-19


         It’s great to be back! Over the   STEP 1 - Make sure that you   STEP 4 - Follow the local
         past week, clubs up and down   arrive no more than 15 minutes   course rules in place. Make
         the country have welcomed   before your tee time and arrive   sure not to touch the flag or any
         back eager members keen     fully prepared, ready to play.  other course.
         to hit the fairways. There is,   STEP 2 - Make sure to maintain   STEP 5 - After your round do
         however, a “new normal” of how   physical distancing with your   not shake hands.
         to visit your club safely and you   fellow golfers.    STEP 6 - Return directly to your
         should familiarise yourself with   STEP 3 - Do not share any golf   car and head home!
         your club’s protocols before   equipment, scorecards, pencils,
         arrival. Here are some simple   markers with your playing
         reminders to help keep you safe   partners.
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13