Page 6 - mygolfGroup Travel - 2023 Brochure
P. 6

Royal County Down Golf Club

                                      Why travel makes

                                            you happy ?

        Nothing beats the feeling of travel. It’s euphoric. It’s a disruption to the norm, a break to the daily routine. It’s
        exciting to plan, organise and schedule fun things to do, new sights to see, new cultures to explore, new foods
                  to taste and new memories to make. As the scientists say, travel is the secret to happiness.

                                                   St. Augustine said,
                          The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

        Predictably, we smile more when we travel. Why?         years, travel has now become less of a luxury and
                                                                more of a necessity with experiences proven to have
        Because whilst on holiday, we invest our time experi-   a more positive overall impact on our wellbeing and
        encing more of what we enjoy, individually, together    happiness than material objects. Travel evokes pos-
        with friends and family or perhaps as part of an or-    itive emotions and there is nothing you can buy in
        ganised tour (golf tour maybe!). It’s the stories and   a shop that can match enjoying a new experience.
        adventures,  the  scary  Tuk  Tuk  ride  down  the  back   Unlike material things, which are separate entities
        streets of Bangkok, the finger licking street food in   from the human body, experiences are part of the
        India,  the  glare  of  the  Northern  Lights,  a  boat  trip   being  –  with  the  brain,  the  heart,  the  gut  and  the
        through Venice or sinking  that putt  on one of our     senses exposed to new things. So, whilst the latest
        world-class  links  courses…  that  create  memories    TaylorMade Stealth Plus  Driver promises  to help
        that last a lifetime.                                   even amateurs drive the ball further; we know the
                                                                thoughts of playing golf on one of the finest courses
        It’s a necessity for our wellbeing                      in the world, tops that any dayencing more of what
                                                                we enjoy, individually, together with friends and fam-
        Given  the  Covid  travel  restrictions  of  the  past  few   ily or perhaps as part of an organised tour (golf tour

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