Page 133 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
P. 133

     on 049-4326482 or email golf@                                                      Ulster

     Concra Wood Golf Club boasts
     an 18-hole, par 72, championship
     golf course situated in Castleb-
     layney, Co. Monaghan. The golf
     course at Concra Wood was de-
     signed by two of Ireland’s golfing
     legends Christy O’Connor Junior
     and Senior. Lough Muckno may
     be a well-kept secret, but not for   Concra Wood Golf Club
     much longer as it drapes itself la-
     zily around treebound islands and                           table atmosphere, coupled with
     along the shore of the manicured   2020 SOCIETY RATES:      the wonderful course, makes it a
     fairways of Concra Wood.            Midweek - from €35      simply perfect venue for society
                                         Weekend - from €40      day. A variety of options are avail-
     Concra Wood Golf Club has                                   able from their caterers, including
     many facilities to offer its visiting   For more information or to book   bacon rolls on arrival, main meals
     societies. The new state-of-the-  contact Concra Wood Golf Club   and desserts after golf. Galway
     art clubhouse is stunning and is   on 042-9749485 or email info@  Bay Golf Resort is definitely a
     located at the highest point of the        course that you should be consid-
     course which offers panoram-                                ering to play in 2020!
     ic views of the course. Concra   GALWAY BAY GOLF RESORT
     Wood Golf Club is arguably one   Galway Bay Golf Resort is ex-   2020 SOCIETY RATES:
     of the most spoken about cours-  tremely popular with visiting golf   Midweek - from €35
     es each year and every society   societies and groups from all over   Weekend - from €40
     who plays it wants to return.   Ireland and further afield. Society
                                   groups appreciate hospitality,   For more information or to book
                                   service, and value and we think   contact Galway Bay Golf Resort
                                   we have succeeded in ensuring   on 091-790711 or email sales@
                                   all our visiting societies receive
                                   these key requirements, some-
                                    thing that is reflected by the high
                                      number of return visits each
                                       year. A golf society day is all
                                         about the memories, and
                                          that’s what makes a golf
                                           day at the Galway Bay
                                           Golf Resort that little bit

                                             There are some truly
                                             memorable holes and
                                             a perfect backdrop
                                             in every direction
                                             for that obligatory
                                            group photograph!
                                            Although many of the
                                           societies that visit year
                                          after year, new groups
                                         are always welcomed
                                        with open arms at Galway
      Farnham Estate Golf Club         Bay. The warm and hospi-            Galway Bay Golf Resort
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