Page 47 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
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ticipated resort renovations. The Leinster
first of a number of phases saw
a complete renovation of the
banqueting suites and guest
bedrooms as well as a full trans-
formation of their golf facilities.
A brand-new professional shop
stocking the very latest in golf
apparel and merchandise,
improved member facilities and
a brand-new gastropub experi-
ence, The Carriage House. When The Heritage Resort
bringing your society or corporate
group to play Carton House, you
have a choice of two outstanding
championship golf courses which of special offers and incentives ST.MARGARET’S GOLF &
are playable all year round. for all societies who choose to COUNTRY CLUB
play the County Laois course St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club
With a dedicated and experi- in 2020. All groups will have full may just be the perfect society
enced golf team on hand, you access to the practice facilities venue for groups looking for a golf
can create your own bespoke and receive complimentary use course that is in good condition all
golfing event at Carton House, to of the Par 3 Leix course, while year round. Close to Dublin Airport
include areas such as a choice groups of 16+ golfers will receive and with exceptional facilities, it
of golf course, bag drop facili- a complimentary golf shirt along offers a beautifully maintained
ty, registration desk, on course with sponsored longest drive & parkland course that is playable
competitions, starter, access to nearest to the pin prizes. Finally, for all levels of golfer. With charm-
full driving range & practice facil- the organiser golfs and dines for ing holes aplenty, its not going
ities, golf clinic and much more… free for groups of 20+ golfers. to beat you up. The 18th hole is
Experience all the Carton House said to be one of the best finishing
has to offer in 2020. 2020 SOCIETY RATES: holes in golf. St. Margaret’s has
Midweek - from €33 everything you could possibly
2020 SOCIETY RATES: Weekend - from €42 need for a successful outing, so
Midweek - from €45 be sure to consider it for your 2020
Weekend - from €60 For more information or to book calendar.
contact The Heritage Golf Resort
For more information or to book on 057-8642321 or email info@ 2020 SOCIETY RATES:
an outing at Carton House Midweek - from €30
contact 01-5052000 or email Weekend - from €35
The Heritage Golf
Resort is one of
the more popular
society golf desti-
nations in Leinster.
The course is the
only Seve Ballesteros
course in Ireland and
is playable all year
round. The Heritage Golf
Resort have a number
St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club