Page 23 - The Golf Society Bible 2023 - Digital
P. 23

           ITS ALWAYS GREAT TO GET                                     WE’RE DELIGHTED TO RECEIVE
           REWARDED FOR BEING A LOYAL                                  HALPENNY GOLF VOUCHERS FROM THE
           CUSTOMER.                                                   LADS AT MYGOLFSOCIETY. WE USED
                                                                       THE VOUCHERS TO BUY PRIZES FOR
                           - Musgraves Golf Society
                                                                       THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR. THANKS
                                                                       LADS AND LOOK FORWARD TO
                                                                       GETTING MORE VOUCHERS NEXT YEAR!
                                                                                          - The Bridge Inn Golf Society

                                                                 WE USED HALPENNY GOLF
         WE LOVE HAVING                                          VOUCHERS TO PURCHASE
         HAPPY CUSTOMERS                                         OUR CAPTAINS DAY PRIZES.
                                                                 THE GUYS INSTORE LOOKED
         Here at mygolfSociety, we love                          AFTER US VERY WELL AND
         rewarding societies who book                            GAVE US SOME GREAT
         with us and as a further show                           DEALS. WE LOOK FORWARD
         or our gratitude, we are                                TO EARNING MORE
         delighted to be running the                             VOUCHERS NEXT YEAR
         Society | Points rewards                                                - BANKS GOLF SOCIETY
         system again for 2023. Simply                           For more information about
         book your outings with us and                           how to start booking your
         you’ll earn society points for                          society outings visit www.
         each outing you book. These   TRUSTED BY      , email info
         points translate into Halpenny   OVER 200+ GOLF SOCIETIES or call 01-
         Golf vouchers.                                          9041130
                                                                       mygolfSociety    23
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