Page 34 - The Golf Society Bible 2023 - Digital
P. 34



         SPA & GOLF RESORT

                place unlike any other,   over undulating fairways,   of Trout jumping on a nice-
                Knightsbrook Hotel,   testing greens, and demanding   summer’s evening. The County
         A Spa & Golf Resort         water features.             Meath golf resort are also
         is situated in the heritage   INVES TMENT               continually upgrading bunkers
         town of Trim, just 45 minutes   Whilst playing golf at   with Capillary Concrete
         from Dublin City Centre. The   Knightsbrook, you can now   to ensure the maximum
         2022 Award Winning Golf     experience their newly built   playability at all times.
         Resort not only offers 186   limestone walled features   GOLF
         acres of expansive, green   that meanders through holes   The course at Knightsbrook
         scenery, but also boasts an   four, six, eleven and twelve.   is designed to USGA
         18-hole championship golf   Other enhancements include   specifications to ensure that
         course designed by the late   upgrades to their two-hundred-  you experience only the finest
         former Ryder Cup Legend,    year-old Weir, which is situated   when it comes to playing golf
         Late Christy O’Connor Jnr.   on the Knightsbrook River to   with the County Meath Resort.
         Challenging and incredibly   the left-hand side of the fourth   In addition to the spectacular
         creative, the course has a   fairway. Golfers can now take   course, golfers have access to
         stunning location with views   a moment to enjoy the views   a trolly-hire, onsite restaurants

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