Page 14 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 14

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         MOTOCADDY LAUNCHES WORLD’S                                                                      connect to the Motocaddy
                                                                                                         GPS app through Bluetooth®
         FIRST CELLULAR ENABLED TROLLEY                                                                  for smartphone alerts
                                                                                                         and course updates. The
                                                                                                         responsive screen offers
                                                                                                         distances to the front, middle
                                                                                                         and back of the green, plus
                                                                                                         hazard information for over
                                                                                                         40,000 worldwide courses.

                                                                                                         BRAND NEW M3 GPS

                                                                                                         The popular compact-
                                                                                                         folding M7 REMOTE features
                                                                                                         a rechargeable handset,
                                                                                                         removable anti-tip rear wheel

                                                                                                                                     TAKE CONTROL                EASY-TO-USE M1

                                                                                                                                     and automatic Downhill      Quick and easy to fold, the
                                                                                                                                     Control technology for the   award-winning M1 is the
                                                                                                                                     ultimate in responsive control.  simplest to use compact
                                                                                                                                     Upgrades include new slimline   trolley in the world and boasts
                                     hazards, scoring statistics and   courses worldwide.                                            all terrain rear wheels and new   a car boot friendly design for
         NEXT GENERATION             a round summary that uploads
         CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                anti-glare LCD widescreen   optimum storage.
                                     onto the Motocaddy app.                                                                         display featuring an on-screen   A speed indicator offering
                                                                 LUXURY M-TECH
                                                                                                                                     remote battery meter to ensure   nine speed settings, colour-
         Cellular capability will be                                                                                                 the wireless handset remains   coded battery meter and
         switched on this summer     HIGH PERFORMANCE GPS        Along with Cellular                                                 charged.                    Adjustable Distance Control up
         across the new M5 GPS,                                  connectivity and the high-                                                                      to 45 yards are featured on an
         M5 GPS DHC and M-TECH       The M5 GPS trolley - the    performance GPS and smart                                                                       impressive new anti-glare LCD
         models, taking the fast,    world’s first touchscreen   technology found on the                                                                         widescreen display.
         accurate GPS to another level   GPS electric model - will   M5 trolleys, the brand-new
         with access to more advanced   continue with its game-  M-TECH is the flagship
         course mapping, real-time   changing features following   model in the award-winning
         updates and performance     a phenomenally successful   Motocaddy M-Series range
         tracking data.              launch last year.           and combines unrivalled
         The new cellular features will   A fully integrated GPS system   functionality with luxury                                                 FOR  MORE  INFORMA TION  ABO UT
         be available through an annual   built into a super responsive   finishes.                                                                 MO T OC ADD Y  ELE C TRIC  TR OLLEY S ,
         subscription package that   hi-res 3.5” touchscreen display,                                                                               PLE A S E  VI S IT  WWW. MO T OC ADD Y. C OM
         unlocks premium features    provides golfers with access   Incorporating a high resolution                                                 OR   FOLL O W  @ MO T OC ADD Y GOLF .
         including full hole mapping,   to course mapping across   2.8” LCD touchscreen display,
         depiction of greenside      more than 40,000 pre-loaded   the M3 GPS models can

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