Page 20 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 20

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                                                                                                         “ There have been huge
                                                                                                         improvements made to the
                                                                                                         quality of the golf course in
                                                                                                         particular the greens and
                                                                                                         bunkers. It’s an exciting time
                                                                                                         for the resort and I’m proud
                                                                                                         to be part of the story and
                                                                                                         represent the club.

                                                                                                         Simon Thornton
                                                                                                         Touring Professional at

                                                                                                         New members are very much
                                                                                                         welcome at Tulfarris Hotel &
                                                                                                         Golf Resort. All membership
                                                                                                         categories run until March

         “ Although 2020             INVESTMENT                  for both members and visitors
         has been a                                              alike. Capital works include                                                   2021 MEMBERSHIP RATES
         challenging year            Since PREM Group purchased   the addition of a brand-new
                                                                 contemporary, cedar clad
         for our industry            Tulfarris over €6 million   clubhouse, the renovation                                                      Gents Membership                    €1,149
         we are committed            has been invested in the    of the 18th century Manor                                                      Intermediate Membership               €849
         to our plans to             property by the international   House, whilst the lobby, bar                                               Couples Membership                  €1,699
         redevelop and add           hospitality giant with more   and restaurant have also been                                                Lady’s Membership                     €849
         to the facilities at        than €1 million spent on the  completely reimagined.
         Tulfarris.                  golf course alone.                                                                                         Junior Membership                     €125
                                                                 The hotel’s new restaurant,                                                    Youth Membership (age 18-25)          €400
                                     This investment has grown   ‘Fia Rua’ enjoys views of the
          Jim Murphy,                to over €7.4 million in the   18th green, the lakes and
         CEO of PREM Group
                                     past year. Renovations on the   the Wicklow Mountains and                                                  For more information about becoming a member at
                                     course have really improved   is a popular spot for hotel                                                  Tulfarris visit the club website on www.tulfarrishotel.
                                     the overall golfing experience   residents and golfers alike.                                              com/golf.

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