Page 33 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 33

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         “At St. Margaret’s, we pride ourselves on offering
         quality and consistency to our members and
         their guests. Year after year we continue
         to improve our facilities on and off the golf
         course. As we enter 2021, we renew our focus,
         and we are delighted to announce significant
         investment in the golf club over the next few
         years. Throughout next year the evolution and
         refinement of our membership experience
         will become very evident to all our members
         and they can look forward to significant
         improvements on and off course, some of which
         have already been completed.

         The coming years are set to be very exciting
                                                   NEW MEMBERS JOINING FEE
         for the members of St. Margaret’s, we have
         major plans in the pipeline and the re-   €2,000
         introduction of the club’s joining fee outlines
         the true value on offer at our fantastic golf
         club.                                     St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club will
                                                   introduce a joining fee of €2,000 for new
         Members are already embracing these exciting   members. This will come into effect from
         announcements and the visual changes around   June 2021.
 •   €250K + will be invested   to our environmental   the golf club. They are excited to enter this
 BENEFITS  on-course to create the   sustainability, locker   new chapter and create their own piece of St.
 best possible playing   rooms, outdoor dining   Margaret’s history.”  For more information on Membership at St.
 conditions for members   area, building exterior and   Margaret’s Golf & Country Club, Contact the
 Over the winter months and   including lake dredging   upgrades to the driving   Andy Kenny,  Membership Team on  01-8640400 or visit
 into the future, the suite of   and general appearance   range, kitchen and IT   Director of Synergy Golf | General Manager at
 improvements and benefits   upgrades of built features.   requirements.   St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club.
 members can look forward to
 includes:  •   €600K+ will be invested   •   In 2017 the club launched
 in golf machinery, leading   a new dining experience
 •   Membership will   to increased quality of   through Lír Restaurant.
 close upon reaching   presentation and better   Once government
 capacity meaning   all-round experience   restrictions allow, there
 greater exclusivity for   for members. Newer   is intent to enhance the
 existing members –   machines will give rise   member’s experience
 extended member times,   to better finishes and   of this area and provide
 introductory offers   reduced service costs.   access to private dining
 for family and friends,      rooms with ease of social
 high profile series   •   €150K+ in the continued   distancing and private
 competitions and much   upgrade of the clubhouse   service for families,
 more…       including improvements   business and more.

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