Page 40 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
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TOP MEMBERSHIP OFFERS                           Return to Directory                             TOP MEMBERSHIP OFFERS                            Return to Directory

                                                                 Kilcock                                 open at the County Meath golf

                                                                                                         club are they look forward
                                                                 Golf Club                               to welcoming new members
                                                                                                         to the golf course in the new
                                                                 L OC A TION :  ME A TH
                                                                                                         Member Benefits
                                                                 Kilcock Golf Club is a
                                                                 championship standard 18-               •   Golf Ireland handicap.
                                                                 hole golf course located just           •   Full greens all year round.
                                                                 10 minutes outside Dublin.                  Championship standard                            St. Margaret’s Golf and Country  Club
                                                                 The USGA standard course                    golf course.
                                                                 won the 2011 Association of             •   Reduced member guest
                                                                 Landscaping Contractors of                  rates.                  St. Margaret’s Golf &
                                                                 Ireland Awards for best Sports          •   Reduced buggy rates.
                                                                 Grounds. Kilcock Golf Club              •   Free welcome pack.      Country Club
         Rathsallagh Golf Club                                   is a member owned club and              •   Fully stocked pro-shop.
                                                                 offer a full golf package to
                                                                 visitors and members alike                                          L OC A TION :  D UBLIN      Member Benefits
                                                                 with an inviting clubhouse,             For more information on
         river. The old 10th hole (index   A perfect place to enjoy an                                                               St. Margaret’s Golf & Country   •   10% off merchandise,
         1) is now the opening hole –   after-golf drink and meal,   excellent restaurant and bar        membership at Kilcock, contact   Club is one of Ireland’s   play.
         so the ‘wow factor’ is evident   with spectacular views of the   that are open seven days a     the golf team on 01-628792 or  premier parkland courses. As   •   Discounted guest rates.
         right from the very first shot.    course and rolling Wicklow   week. Membership is now         visit  a former host venue to the   •   Official Golf Ireland
                                     landscape.                                                                                      Ladies Irish Open, the Seniors   handicap.
         Use of the landscape is a key                                                                                               Irish Open and the Irish PGA   •   Bar & Restaurant credit.
         feature of Rathsallagh and this                            KILCOCK GOLF CLUB                                                Championship the club is    •   Member guest passes.
                                                                    2021 MEMBERSHIP OFFERS
         is truly apparent as the golfer                                                                                             steeped in history. The Dublin   •   Discounted buggy rates.
         ambles through the exciting   For more information on      7 Day Full Membership                         €949               based club offer a wide variety
         newly reconfigured course   membership at Rathsallagh,     Under 40’s Membership                          €499              of exciting golf membership   For more information on
         layout. When golfers finish on   contact the golf team on   7 Day Flexi Membership                       €499               packages, carefully designed   membership at St. Margaret’s,
         the 18th hole, it is just a few   045-403316 or visit www.  Juvenile Membership                          €109               to suit every golfer. New   contact the pro-shop on 01-
         steps to reach the sanctuary  Junior Membership                              €210              members joining fee will apply   8640400 or visit
         of the clubhouse veranda.                                                                                                   from June 2021.   

         RATHSALLAGH GOLF CLUB                                       Killcock Golf Club                                                 ST. MARGARET’S GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB
         2021 MEMBERSHIP OFFERS                                                                                                         2021 MEMBERSHIP OFFERS
         Full Membership                               €849                                                                             7 Day Full Membership (Gold)                 €1,595
         Lifestyle Membership                          €399                                                                             7 Day Full Membership (Silver)               €1,495
         Family Membership                            €1,825                                                                            5 Day Membership (Bronze)                     €895
         Student Membership (under 23)                 €300                                                                             Lady’s Introductory Membership                €750

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