Page 53 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
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The Neville Family, as are made for the future
owners of Druids Glen Hotel success of a high-quality golf
& Golf Resort are pleased experience for members and
to announce a significant guests in the resort. adopting a more handcrafted will give Druids Heath a new diverse strategic values which Woodstock House, will be
investment into Druids Heath bunker and Landform layout, identity. In addition, a large upgraded along with the
Golf Course will take place To assist the owners in these each with their own individual scale drainage programme engage golfers of all abilities. addition of a new members
from this April, in advance long-term ambitions for golf, function and character, while will commence as part of the clubhouse, housing new male
of further investment and they have liaised with some maintaining diverse strategic works programme on selected Druids Glen Golf Course and female changing room
renovations to Druids Glen of the golf industry’s leading values which engage golfers holes.” and the historic clubhouse, s, bar and dining facilities
Golf Course in 2022. experts during this review of all abilities. Woodstock House are part and a new pro-shop and café
Since purchasing Druids process; Jeff Lynch – Golf of a further investment plan area. The development will
Glen Hotel & Golf Resort in Course Architect with (re) Working with Jeff Lynch “Already a fabulous layout, in 2022. The course will be also include the provision
GOLF DESIGN working in & Peter McEvoy, we we are re-landscaping the upgraded to return Druids Glen of luxurious sleeping
conjunction with renowned
INVESTMENT Course Designer, Peter have drastically reduced existing bunker footprint, to the pinnacle of Irish Golf accommodation. maintaining
with the owners’ ambition to
McEvoy and John Clarkin of unnecessary bunker area adopting a more handcrafted diverse strategic values which
2019, the Neville family has and relocated bunkers, grass bunker and Landform bring back Championships engage golfers of all abilities.
committed to reviewing all world-renowned agronomists, hollows and runoff areas to layout, each with their own tournaments such as the Irish
aspects of the golf business to Turfgrass. “Already a fabulous maintain the strategy of the Open.
ensure that correct decisions layout, we are re-landscaping course. The bunker renovation individual function and The existing facilities at
the ex isting bunker footprint, character, while maintaining
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