Page 6 - The Golf Membership Bible 2021 - Special Edition
P. 6

Our guide for playing golf & staying safe                                                       WELCOME

         DURING THE COVID-19


         It’s great to be back! Golf Clubs up and down the
         country have welcomed back eager members,
         keen to hit the fairways. There is, however, a “new
         normal” of how to visit your golf club safely and
         you should familiarise yourself with your club’s
         protocols before arrival. Here are some simple
         reminders to help keep you safe.

                                                                                                                                                                St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club

                                                                                                         Welcome to this special edition of The Golf Membership Bible.
         1                           2                          3                                        There’s no denying that the past 12 months have been very

                                                                                                         difficult for every member of our society, but as there is now light
                                                                                                         at the end of the tunnel, we can finally look forward to getting
         BE PREPARED                 SOCIAL DISTANCING          USE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT                   back to normal throughout the rest of 2021 and beyond.     CONTACT DETAILS
         All tee times should be pre-  Make sure to maintain physical   Do not exchange equipment,                                                                  Editor:  Eoin Francis
         booked. Arrive at the golf club   distancing with your fellow   scorecards, pencils etc. with   As you know, golf experienced a massive increase in participation   Our Team: Eoin Francis, Damien
         fully prepared and ready to play.  golfers before, during and after   your fellow golfers.      levels in 2020 and once again, as the first amateur sport to   Connolly, Brendan Mackey, Sean
                                     your round.                                                         reopen, this trend is set to continue. Becoming a member of a golf   Brennan, Vignesh Chentil, Timmy
                                                                                                         club has never been so in demand and because of this the joy of   Kenna.
                                                                                                         choosing which golf club to join, can be a daunting task.    Phone: 01-9041130
         4                           5                          6                                        With that in mind, we bring you this special annual edition to   Disclaimer: All information outlined
                                                                                                         showcase what golf clubs from across the country have to offer
                                                                                                                                                                    in this publication are subject to
                                                                                                         to potential new members. Throughout this special edition you   terms and conditions that have
                                                                                                                                                                    been agreed between My Golf
                                                                                                         will find editorial features, product reviews, course spotlights and   Group and our partners. All efforts
         ADHERE TO COURSE RULES      POST ROUND                 RETURN TO YOUR CAR                       over 60 membership options, spread out across 20 counties.   have been made to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                                    all information is correct at the
         Be sure to follow all local   Avoid any unnecessary contact   Avoid hanging around the                                                                     time of printing. In the event of a
         course rules. Do not remove the   with your fellow golfers and be   clubhouse after your round,          Eoin Francis                                      typographical error, My Golf Group
                                                                                                                                                                    and/or our partners have sole
         flag or use bunker rakes etc.  sure to pre-book food with the   unless it’s pre-booked and safe          mygolfMembership                                  right to refuse purchase. Please
                                                                                                                                                                    address all comments to info@
                                     golf club.                 to do so.                                         Managing Director                       
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