Page 16 - MGG - Consulting Media Kit
P. 16

path to success                                                                     IF YOU DON’T CHANGE DIRECTION, YOU END UP WHERE YOU ARE HEADED

           stage     1                   stage    2                                                                              choose a

           discovery                     implementation & delivery                                                               bespoke solution

               VENUE AUDIT                              DEVELOPMENT PLAN
                                                                                                                                       social media
                                          Following on from the Venue Audit, a detailed Development
           INCLUDES:                      Plan will be drafted, which will include a roadmap of work to                                email marketing
                                            be completed either by the golf club or supported by the
           Our detailed venue audit                     team at My Golf Group.                                                         GDPR compliance
           allows us to review the
           core areas that have the                                                                                                    club communications
           most significant impact
           on running your golf club.                                                                                                  website design
           During the auditing                                                                                                         membership growth
           process, we will collect
           financial information,                                                                                                      society golf growth
           conduct site visits, meet          FULL-SERVICE            QUARTERLY REVIEW              SELF-DELIVERY                      systems review
           with management, staff
           and engage with                INCLUDES:                  INCLUDES:                  INCLUDES:                              members survey
           stakeholders which will
           allow us to assess the         The My Golf Group team     The golf club will be      The golf club will take                financial analysis
           performance of the golf        will be responsible for    responsible for carrying   ownership of the Venue                 golf club health check
           club and to outline a plan     carrying out the           out the Development Plan.   Audit, with no further
           of action required to          Development Plan on        The My Golf Group team     assistance from the My
           ensure your golf club is       behalf of the golf club.   will conduct a quarterly   Golf Group team.
           sustainable for years to       The services and hours     review monitor progress,
           come. We will analyse          provided will be tailored   provide advice and to
           each section under the         to match the needs of      make recommendations
           headings – ‘Findings’,         the golf club.             for the following quarter.
           ‘Conclusions’ and

                                                                                                                                        G O L F  B U S I N E S S  S O L U T I O N S
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