Page 3 - St. Margaret's Golf Club - 2022 Pro Am
P. 3

Welcome to the

                S Y N E R G Y  G O L F  P R O  A M

         We are delighted to once again be hosting our annual PGA
         ProAm at St. Margaret’s Golf & Country Club. We would like
         to  thank  all  those  who  have  supported  the  event  by  either
         entering a team or sponsoring a hole; without your generosity,
         this event would simply not happen.

         Our nominated charity for 2022 is Make-A-Wish as chosen by

         our Club Captains’ John Ferguson and Anne O’Connor here
         at St. Margaret’s. As a Club, St. Margaret’s has donated over
         €200,000 to our chosen charities over the past 7 years. Thank
         you for being part of this journey.

         All  our  team  at  Synergy  Golf  are  looking  forward  to
         welcoming  you  to  the  2022  Pro-Am  on  Friday,  2nd
         September. The event is sold out and as always, promises to
         be a real treat for all teams.

         To help make your day more enjoyable, we have prepared this
         information booklet which outlines what to expect on the day.

         Yours in golf,

         Andy Kenny
         Director | Synergy Golf
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