Page 28 - Killarney Golf & Fishing Club - 5 Year Vision
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                Our  vision  is  to  implement  an  effective   about  our  club,  to  the  right  audience,  at  the
                marketing  and  communications  strategy       right  time.  We  will  promote  Killarney  Golf  &
                which  is  integrated  across  all  technology   Fishing  Club  as  a  world-class  golfing
                platforms and business systems at Killarney    destination,  where  golfers  can  play  both
                Golf & Fishing Club. Raising awareness of the   competitively  and  for  pleasure  in  a  beautiful
                club as a premium golf brand is paramount to   and friendly setting.
                our future successes.

                By enacting a diverse range of marketing and
                communications strategies which reflect our
                vision  and  values,  we  will  create  a  greater
                awareness  of  our  club  and  what  it  has  to
                offer to members and visitors alike. Our focus
                is  on  realising  the  full  potential  of  key
                communications, sales & marketing channels
                so  that  we  can  deliver  the  right  message

        27    FIVE YEAR VISION
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