Page 35 - Killarney Golf & Fishing Club - 5 Year Vision
P. 35

                                                     To  enhance  the  culture  of  transparency  regarding  the  club's  financial
                                                     affairs and to implement strategic reporting standards.

                 BUDGETING                          To implement budgeting strategies that safeguard the club's income and
                                                    expenditure in accordance with sound financial management practices.

                 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS              To ensure that cost benefit analysis forms part of the decision making
                                                    process which affects the club's finances.

                 ASSET MANAGEMENT                   To implement correct procedures to ensure the assets of the club are at
                                                    all times safeguarded.

                 TAX MANAGEMENT                     To  ensure  responsible  management  of  the  club's  tax  affairs  and  to

                                                    ensure full compliance to regulatory standards.
                 RISK MANAGEMENT
                                                    To establish risk management systems and contingencies that properly
                                                    manage the club's financial exposure.

                                                                                           FIVE YEAR VISION
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