Page 29 - mygolfMembership - Digital Version
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                                   DUNDRUM GOLF COURSE TODAY
                                   AND BECOME  A MEMBER UNTIL
                                   MARCH 1ST 2022 FROM €599

                                    STAY & PLAY PACKAGES
                                   LADIES & GENTS GOLD MEMBERSHIP
                                   New Golfing Member To Dundrum House               €599
                                   Single Membership - Gents and Ladies              €800
                                       1 NIGHT, BED & BREAKFAST, DINNER
                                   Over 65’s Membership - Gents and Ladies           €750
                                              WITH 1 ROUND OF GOLF
                                   Over 70’s Membership - Gents and Ladies           €700
                                               Sunday - Thursday - € 99pps
                                   Couples Membership                               €1,450
                                               Friday - Saturday - €145pps
                                   Couples Over 65’s Membership                     €1,400
                                   Couples Over 70’s Membership                     €1,350
                                       1 NIGHT, BED & BREAKFAST, DINNER
                                              WITH 2 ROUNDS OF GOLF
                                   INTERMEDIATE, STUDENT & JUVENILE
                                              Sunday - Thursday - €119pps
                                               Friday - Saturday - €155pps
                                   Upper-Intermediate (30-34 years old)              €549
                                   Lower Intermediate (24-29 years old)              €499
                                      2 NIGHT, BED & BREAKFAST, 1 DINNER
                                   Students (18 -23 years old in Full Time Education)   €290
                                              WITH 2 ROUNDS OF GOLF
                                   Juvenile (12 - under 18)                           €99
                                              Sunday - Thursday - €159pps
                                   Juvenile (Under 12)                                €55
                                               Friday - Saturday - €199pps

                                   DISTANCE MEMBERSHIP                               €400
                                            Speak to our team today

                                                       062 71116
                                   OTHER MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES
                                   Country and Overseas                              €390
                                   Students (Over 18 years)                          €290
                                   Juveniles (12-18 years)                            €99
                                   Juveniles (Under 12 years)                         €55
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