Page 4 - Tulfarris Golf Club - Membership Booklet
P. 4

Enjoy your round!

                                                                                                                                   David Brady

                             G O L F  C O U R S E
                          I M P R O V E M E N T S

              A  significant  amount  of  work  has  been  made
              across  all  golf  course  areas  throughout  the  2021
              season   and across the winter   months. Some of
              the highlights have included:

              Ongoing Maintenance
              Over  the  past  few  months,  we  have  engaged  in
              an intensive maintenance program that includes
              disease prevention on the greens and clearing up                                                                          David Brady
              all common areas around the resort.                                                                                       Tulfarris Head Greenkeeper

              Work on the greens is ongoing, which includes all
              putting  surfaces  being  hollow  cored.  This
              essential work will ensure that all greens are set
              up and ready to go for what is sure to be a busy

              Preparing For The New Season
              Our  focus  for  the  coming  weeks  is  ensuring  the
              golf  course  is  in  peak  condition  for  main  season
              ahead. Over the coming months the height of cut
              on the greens will be changed, the greens will be
              rolled,  brushed,  and  top  dressed,  a  growth
              regulator     program      will   be    started,   and
              improvements  will  be  made  to  the  overall
              presentation  of  the  golf  course  and  surrounding
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