Page 14 - Mvt Shine News 2023
P. 14

SN40 Dec 2023                    Page 1 of 3

                                          Mission Ventures Thailand

          Email: -- web: -- fb: mission ventures thailand
                                                                     Kham Ta Kla village Christmas Outreach
        "Hallelujah!" Here is the first of the Christmas
                                                              Praise God
       Outreaches for 2023.  Firstly, in and around Ban
                                                              that Pastor

          Muang community, with more to follow…              Supol and his

             …visit Shine News web… mvt-shine-news-40        team had the

      MVT CHRISTMAS OUTREACHES, DECEMBER 2023                   opportunity

                                                               to meet and
                           On behalf of MVT, we would love to

                           ‘Praise  and  Thank  God’  for  His   minister to
                                                             two needy families through this new outreach in Kham Ta Kla.
                           divine  and  amazing  guidance,

                           provision,    and      protection   Let's continue to pray that this outreach and other connections

                           throughout  this  year  2023.  We   will  find  fertile  soil  that  will  impact  the  community  of  that

                           would also like to wish you and all   village and many families will come to receive His salvation.
                           your  family  a  very  blessed  and
                                                                           Brother Prayut and his wife
                           fruitful new year in 2024.
                                                             Praise  and  thank  God  for  His  healing
                           We pray that you will continue to
                                                               upon  Brother  Prayut  and  his  wife.
                           enjoy  His  presence  each  day,   Brother Prayut had battled cancer since
                           experiencing  divine  health  and     Christmas  2022,  and,  at  one  point,  he
                           being covered by the protection of
                                                             was in a coma and in critical condition in
                           the  Holy  Spirit  as  you  walk  and     the ICU.   A Christian doctor prayed with

                           serve Him in this coming year 2024.   his wife, and he miraculously emerged from his coma. Following

                            Blessings, Supol & Suan Kee      this, his wife brought him to MV Ban Muang Church, where he

                                                             responded to Christ.
     Sharing His salvation of hope in Christ Jesus           The church believers fervently prayed for him, and two months

    Sakhon Nakhon, North-eastern Thailand                    later, he expressed his desire to be baptized.  Both he and his
     MV BAN MUANG PRE-CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS                 wife are now serving the Lord in MV Bang Muang Church.

                                                             Pastor Supol and his team recently visited Brother Prayut and

    Praise God for the opportunity to share                  his wife's place. MVT aims to assist them, as their home is in a
                                                             deteriorated  state  with  a  leaking  roof  and  termite-infested
    the message of salvation, hope, and love
      of  Christ  Jesus  with  the  Ban  Muang               pillars.
      villagers in their own community during                Currently,  they  are  forced  to  sleep  outdoors  in  a  temporary
      this Christmas season.                                 gazebo due to the rainy season with water leaking through into

      Please pray that the seeds of salvation                their home.
    planted in their hearts will grow and bear
                                                                 Introducing Wanon Church and their Community
    fruit for eternity.                                      Praise  God,  Pastor  Supol  and  other  MV  pastors  had  the

                                                             opportunity to join Wanon Church for its Christmas Outreach.
            God answers the prayers for His people!
                                                             Pastor Somchai has been reaching out to the mostly elderly
     Pastor  Samson’s  son  was  involved  in  a
                                                             community in Wanon.  He is praying that MVT will take up the
     serious bike accident, of which he lost the
                                                             leadership of this church community, and a younger person will
     use of one leg. Many believers prayed for
       him, asking God for His healing and mercy.            succeed

       Praise  God,  he  is  now  totally  recovered         him.

      and back at work. He took up a courier job
       of  sending  parcels  in  his  community  to
     support his family.
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