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CORE At a Glance
In a nutshell CORE stand for C-Culture and Philosophy,
O-Organization, R-Required people Skills, E-Entire Business which is were built
around the theme "The First-Hand Development of Thought Process and Critical Be-
"Culture and Philosophy" give an overview of who we are and how we at UTL have
operated successfully for more than 45 years.
"Organization” deals with the organizational structure and processes.
"Required People Skills" focuses on what need to know and need to act to deal with
others effectively.
"Entire Business" give insights into "where a person fits in" in the business and helps
develop functional expertise of new exempt employees.
CORE is divided into three phases with each Specific purpose.
CORE I: Getting Started, is designed to include optimum contents that can be cov-
ered in first 3 days with a good balance between inside and outside classroom learn-
ing in addition to enabling new exempt employees to learn about the company's
background, CORE I focuses on familiarizing new exempt employees with new envi-
ronments including workplace, co-workers, and the ways they do things at UTL.
Simply put, CORE I is designed to help new exempt to fit in the new environment in a
short period of time.
As mentioned, this phase extends to 3 days from the first day of the new exempt's
employment. To complete this phase, it is a responsibility of new exempt employees
to proceed the 52-week-self learning schedule under the mentorship of the Human
Resources Department.
CORE I focuses on familiarizing new exempt employees with new environments in-
cluding workplace, co-workers, and the ways they do things at UTL.