Page 18 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
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Award-Winning Builder
See and Be Seen This Halloween
Halloween. A time for Tricks and Treats and Things That Go Bump in the Night. But according to Dr. Jason Ortman, Therapeutic Optometrist, Halloween can also be a time of sight-related hazards. Dr. Ortman offers these tips to ensure a safe and happy Halloween.
“Decorating the face with makeup approved for the skin is almost always preferable to masks,”Dr. Ortman explained,“The eyeholes on the mask can be too small to allow full vision or the mask can shift during wear and obstruct sight.”
Dr. Ortman added that it is important that the makeup be approved for use on the skin and that care should be taken to keep the makeup away from the eyes when putting it on and taking it off.
Decorative contact lenses that make the eyes look like cat eyes or with wild designs are generally safe, said Dr. Ortman, “But remember that any contact lens is a medical device and must be prescribed by and worn under the supervision of an eye doctor”
Dr. Ortman also recommends the following to make certain that Trick or Treaters can see and be seen on Halloween:
• Wear reflective clothing or place reflective tape on Trick or Treat bags and clothing
• Carry a flashlight. “Glow sticks” that are sold for Halloween are filled with a chemical that can cause eye irritation.
• Tie hats and head scarves securely so they don’t slip over the eyes and obscure vision.
Dr. Ortman owns and practices at Castle Pines Eye Care located at 7437 Village Square Drive, Suite 115, located in Castle Pines North.
A Cup of Joe makes all
Relocates to Castle
the CPN Schools Go! Submitted by Daz Bog Coffee/Geoff Newman
Pines North
Submitted by B & D Professional Builders
Dazbog Coffee, a newcomer to the community,
has taken the unique steps of partnering with local schools in an effort to introduce themselves to the city of Castle Pines North.
Beginning September 5, and running through the holiday season, Dazbog in CPN, at Lagae Road and Castle Pines Parkway, will be running daily “school days” promotions. With that, they will be sponsor- ing a specific school in our community each day and donating 25 percent of their total sales back to the school. Schools may use the proceeds however they choose.
The tentative schedule is:
Rocky Heights Middle school- Sept 5th. Rock Canyon High School-Oct.11th Timber Trail Elementary-Oct.12th Buffalo Ridge Elementary-Oct. 19th. DCS Montessori School-TBD
Dazbog encourages all students, residents, and par- ents to attend one or all of these events because it will provide funds to each school. This charity does not involve anyone doing anything out of the ordi- nary except drinking some delicious Siberian chillers, smoothies, or some of the gourmet blends of excep- tional coffee.
As CPN residents, owners Lisa and Geoff Newman are aware that it is extremely important to give back to the community. “Having two children in the local schools, shows us what a wonderful caring education system we have here in Castle Pines,” said Newman. “I think sometimes we take for granted what all of our children’s teachers do for them in the course of a year.”
The Newmans have three girls, one of which gradu- ated from Rock Canyon High School last May. The other two are presently in Rocky Heights Middle School in grade 6, and Rock Canyon High School in grade 11.
B&D Professional Builders, residential general contractors, relocated its office from Castle Rock to 7437 Village Square Lane in Castle Pines North in June of this year.
Eric Dille president, and Greg Bickelhaupt (picturedabove),vicepresidentofconstruction,ownthe two-year-oldcompany.“Wehavemanyprojectsunder- way in the Castle Pines and Highlands Ranch areas so this is a convenient, central location for our headquar-
ters,” Dille explained.
B&D Professional Builders was voted Best Builder of the Year in 2008 in Castle Rock from Douglas County Living magazine.
“We knew the time was right to start our business,” saidBickelhaupt.“Manyhomeownersarerealizingthat while it’s not the best market for selling their home, they can increase the value of their home by remodel- ing or completing areas that are unfinished.”
Both Dille and Bickelhaupt are veterans of the 1990 Gulf War—Dille in the Marine Corp and Bickelhaupt in the Army as a medic.
Bickelhaupt received two awards from the Home Builders Association—one in 2006 for best detached home in the $500-$600,000 category and one in 2007 for best attached home in the $250-$300,000 category. Bickelhauptadds,“Welovewhatwedo,andourclients appreciate our professional and genuine approach to their project.”
Formoreinformation,visitwww.banddhomes.comorcall 303-688-5556.