Page 20 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 20

Page 20
CPN Green Ready to Take on the Greening of the City
Now that the word is out, CPN Green is making head- way on our sustainability goals for the City. Its current project of focusing on community-wide recycling with a unified single stream recycling and trash program is one step closer to reality.
“We’ve enjoyed meeting with business and civic lead- ers who have a common goal to making a difference. The best part is the field trips! I get to see how various green facilities manage our resources in a really cool way,” said Ryan J. Parker, chairman of CPN Green.
Also coming soon is a community wide E-Recycling Program and Recycle Receptacles in the parks.
Our mission as an advisory group to residents and businesses of Castle Pines North (CPN) is to bring forth socially and environmentally responsible pro- grams that enhance and promote smart growth within our community and to ensure it will lead the way in sustainability practices throughout the world.
We have lots in store for our community that will be environmentally responsible, educational and fun. My hope is that through CPN Green we can influence peo- ple to become more responsible for their actions as we work together to make CPN the best it can be! Look for our new logo in the next issue.
Anyone interested in being a volunteer for CPN Green, email Ryan at

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