Page 5 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 5
New Legislation
Walgreens, Pinnacle Building Near Completion by Lisa Crockett
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Encourages Green
by Lisa Crockett
The first of four businesses in a new shopping center on Castle Pines Parkway is nearly complete. But shop- pers in Castle Pines North (CPN) will have to wait
a few more months to fill prescriptions and do their shopping at the newly-constructed Walgreens store.
“The building will be ready on schedule in mid- October,” said Max Heitzmann, the project manager for Anxon, Inc. “The opening of the store, though, depends on what the Walgreens Corporate office has planned.”
According to Carol Hively, Corporate Spokesperson for Walgreens, the Castle Pines Walgreens location will open in January 2009.
The remaining three“pads”in the shopping center are currently undeveloped. A Grease Monkey car service center and a day care center should be completed some time in the first half of 2009. As of press time, the fourth pad was unoccupied.
Pinnacle Building Takes Shape -
Meanwhile, the Pinnacle Building, which is located on the south side of Castle Pines Parkway adjacent to the Village Square Shops, is open for business.
“We’re in negotiations with several different entities regarding various spaces in the building,” said Roger Campbell, a CPN resident who owns the building with two partners.
As of press time, the building was roughly 40 percent occupied. Campbell estimates the building will be full sometime early next year.
“The building has been very well received,” said
New legislation in Colorado seeks to promote the installation of energy-saving devices in private residences. The purpose of the legislation, known as House Bill 1270, was to clarify and extend homeowners rights to make their homes more energy efficient and toinstallrenewable-energygeneratingdeviceswherever safe and practical.
Energy saving devices include things like clotheslines, and solar, wind, and thermal generators. Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are specifically mentioned in the bill as having power to “reasonably regulate” but not prohibit such measures.
It’s unlikely that HB 1270 will substantially change the way things are done in most Castle Pines North (CPN) communities. In general, when homeowners plan to make changes to the exterior of their home, approval by their neighborhood HOA is required, a requirement that still stands with the passage of the new bill.
Michelle Peck manages the CPN II HOA, the largest in CPN with 682 homes.
“We have reviewed this issue with legal counsel and have determined that we are not going to amend our rules,” said Peck. “However, our owners are required to submit a supplemental Design Review Committee application for the installation of energy saving devic- es.”
For more information on this legislation contact your neighborhood HOA or visit policy/.
ThePinnacleBuildingisnowopenforbusiness.Thebuilding, whichisonCastlePinesParkwayadjacenttotheVillageSquare Shops,ishometoseveralbusinessandconsultingventures.Space is still available. (courtesy photo)
Campbell. “It’s a beautiful space with ‘residential fin- ishes,’things you would find in an upscale home, rather than a typical office space.”
At press time, four office suites were still available ranging in size from 330 to 385 square feet. Regular, non-suite office space is also available and can be built to suit. In addition, the building is wired for high- speed Internet, security, and cable television.