Page 8 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
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Castle Pines North to
Holiday Carriage Rides
Host Candidate Forum by Lisa Crockett
Planned for December
The City of Castle Pines North (CPN) is hosting a Candidate Forum on October 7, at 7 p.m. at the CPN Community Center located at 7404 Yorkshire Drive.
The forum will allow each candidate to present a brief opening statement and then to respond to questions from the audience.
Candidates participating in the forum will include 6th Congressional District candidates Mike Coffman and Hank Eng, and candidates for House District 45 Carole Murray and Holly Gorman. Joe Alsup, candi- date for Senate District 4, will be in attendance, as will County Commission Candidates Jill Rapella and Shirley Francis-Fraser.
“The purpose of having these CPN Candidate Forums is to acquaint those in this and surrounding commu- nities with the candidates running and the issues of concern,” said CPN Mayor Maureen Shul. “From the excellent audience attendance and participation in past forums, it is clear that there is a need and desire for these events.”
Parking for this event is limited, so residents are encouraged to carpool with friends.
Breakfast with Santa
The CPN Chamber of Commerce and The Ridge will present a Holly Jolly Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 6, at 8 a.m. and at 10 a.m. Tickets are $22 for adults, and $11 for children and reservations are required. (See ad on page 10 for more details.)
Call 303-688-4575 for reservations.
1-3 and 8-10 by Elean Gersack
Make plans now for the 2008 Holiday Carriage Rides, brought to you by the Castle Pines North (CPN) Master Association. The rides are planned for Monday through Wednesday, December 1-3 and Monday though Wednesday, December 8-10 in the beautiful HOA2 neighborhood. Rides will run every half hour from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Tickets for this wintertime tradition sell out fast -
so act quickly. Purchase tickets at the CPN Master Association booth during OctoberFest on Saturday, October 4. After October 4, contact Vickie Hunt, at,or303-991-2773forticket sales. Tickets will NOT be sold online this year.
Small carriages seat six people and large carriages seat ten people. Group pricing is $55 for small carriages and $90 for large carriages. Individual seats are $8 each. Payment via cash or check (made out to CPN Master Association) must be made when reservations are made.
For more information about the 2008 Holiday Carriage Rides, please visit
CPN Fun Run
Postponed Until Spring by Elean Gersack
The committee for the CPN 5K Fun Run has been hard at work planning this first running event for Castle Pines North (CPN). After considerable thought and community input, the committee has decided to postpone the event until next spring.
According to David Neely, CPN city councilmember and CPN 5K Fun Run organizer, the added time will allow the committee to do many things much better - such as creating more exposure for sponsorships, acquiring logos for and printing of t-shirts and registra- tion forms, identifying more volunteers, and involving schools and local cross country teams during the off- season.
Anyone interested in planning the event or any busi- nesses wanting to sponsor the event are encouraged to contactDavidNeelyatdneely@castlepinesnorth-co-gov.
Veteran’s Input Sought
for New Committee by Anthonette Klinkerman
It is important for all residents of a new city to feel that they have a voice in the local proceedings. Most notably, veterans of military service are an integral part of a community, though often they are not given ample opportunity to contribute.
For this reason, Mayor Maureen Shul is seeking to create a Veteran’s Affairs Committee specific to the burgeoning city of Castle Pines North (CPN). A handful of CPN residents have responded to the previous call, but a few more veterans are needed.
Once organized, this committee of veterans will gather to decide how best to represent a presence, not simply on patriotic holidays, but to even create events to help honor those who have served and are currently serving this country.
Veterans interested in actively participating can send an e-mail to

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