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Apartments break ground at Canyonside
By Chris Michlewicz; photo by Terri Wiebold
Grading has begun on a 325-unit multifamily residential project in Canyonside, part of The Canyons community on the east side of I-25 in the City of Castle Pines.
As is evidenced by hundreds of feet of red construction fencing, building is underway on a new apartment complex in Canyonside, a mixed-use development within The Canyons community that is intended to help provide a more diverse housing inventory in the City of Castle Pines.
The City’s Planning Commission approved a site improvement plan in late June for Canyonside Apartments. The 325-unit multifamily residential project is between Canyonside Boulevard and Cross Canyon Trail in The Canyons, a community southeast of I-25 and Hess Road/Castle Pines Parkway in the City of Castle Pines where roughly 300 homes have been built in the last two years.
Crews are currently grading dirt on the 17.3-acre site, which is just northwest
of The Exchange Coffee House. The apartment units will be dispersed throughout 14 residential buildings that will be a maximum of four stories tall, or 41 feet. The development is also slated
to include a clubhouse with a pool, a dog park, a playground, 10 stand-alone covered parking garages, and access to multiple planned trails, according to planning documents on the City of Castle Pines website.
A staff report from the community development department states that recent economic changes and social factors – including smaller household sizes, more empty nesters, an aging population, and
a desire for less maintenance – have “contributed toward new trends in housing development which include diverse housing types with smaller lots and smaller house sizes.”
“These factors contribute to a higher density development which tends to allow a more attainable price point, lower utility expenses and less maintenance,” the report indicated.
Sam Bishop, community development director for the City, said the Canyonside Apartments are a “critical element” to the future mixed-use area on the southeast quadrant of I-25 and Castle Pines Parkway/ Hess Road.
“The addition of multifamily residential units will contribute to the diversity of
the City’s housing stock and provide for a much-needed housing product,” he said. “I anticipate this project being the catalyst for additional commercial development on the east side of I-25.”
The staff report states the comprehensive plan for Castle Pines identifies planning area 3 in The Canyons, where the apartments are being built, as a mixed-use community that permits various residential types.
Buildings on the site will maintain a unified architectural look, drawing upon the
rolling hills/prairie setting in The Canyons development, while adding a modern approach using a starker palette of colors set against the natural landscape. In total, 51% of the site will be hardscaped, leaving the remaining 48% for landscaping and natural vegetation.
The builder of Canyonside Apartments is Denver-based BMC Investments, which has developed several multifamily projects in the Denver area.
For more information, visit www., hover over the ‘City Services’ menu header, then select ‘Planning Commission’ on the right side of the screen. Scroll down and click the button that says ‘Explore Meeting Packets and Minutes,’ then scroll down and click the ‘May 2021 Packet’ button. The apartment project is item 5.c.
Our Team
Publisher Terri Wiebold 303-918-3676
Editor Carin R. Kirkegaard
Writers / Contributors –
Tammy Abramovitz, Stacie Chadwick, Lisa Crockett, Kathy Fallert, Bryan Goodland, Joe Gschwendtner,
Shaun Kernahan, Carin R. Kirkegaard, Nancy Koontz, Julie Matuszewski, Celeste McNeil, Chris Michlewicz, Lisa Nicklanovich, Patte Smith, Hollen Wheeler and Lynn Zahorik
Advertising – Account Managers: Sandy Gamble, Biz Hansen, Julie Matuszewski and Lynn Zahorik
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Tim Gamble and Patte Smith
Ad Production –
Steve Chezik, Tim Gamble and Krysta Parr
Layout –
Krysta Parr and Patte Smith
Proofing / Editing –
Cindy Cranstone, Kathy Fallert and Marla Silverman
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The Connection, LLC is a Colorado limited liability corporation.
The Connection l 7437 Village Square Drive, Suite 220 l Castle Pines, CO 80108 l 303-785-6520 l Volume 13, Number 8
August 2021