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Developer proposes 90 new homes west of Daniels Park Road
Development News
By Chris Michlewicz; courtesy graphics
Douglas County is reviewing a proposal that could pave the way for 90 new homes off Daniels Park Road.
Koelbel Urban Homes is proposing an amendment to Douglas County’s 2040 Comprehensive Master Plan Land Use Map to allow for a future rezoning of 55 acres
to a “planned development” designation. Koelbel wants to build Castle Cliff Farms, a luxury residential community of patio homes and single-family lots west of Daniels Park Road and adjacent to Cherokee Ranch.
The property currently has a rural-residential zoning designation and lies within the
High Plateau Subarea of Douglas County’s Comprehensive Master Plan. It also includes the historic Pretty Woman Ranch, which was designated as a County landmark in 2006.
Koelbel is seeking to include the 55-acre property into the Castle Pines Village Separated Urban Area (SUA), thereby changing the County’s existing Master Plan.
The subject property (upper left) in relation to the Castle Pines Village SUA it is seeking inclusion with.
A vicinity map shows the location of the 55-acre property that Koelbel Urban Homes and a landowner want to develop west of Daniels Park Road. A requested land-use change is currently under review by Douglas County.
Comprehensive Master Plan items are reviewed only by the County’s planning commission. If the applicant gains approval for a land-use change in this High Plateau Subarea, a proposal for a rezoning would
be the next step in the process, said Matt Jakubowski, chief planner for Douglas County.
“In general, the project narrative should demonstrate how the subject site is suited to transition from the nonurban High Plateau Subarea to the urban Castle Pines Village SUA,” stated Jakubowski in an initial review letter from the County to the applicant dated July 7, 2021. The letter continued, “Since the proposal includes the site within an urban SUA, the applicant should demonstrate how compatibility with surrounding land uses and zoning is achieved.”
A rezoning is reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners, and the public would have a chance to provide feedback at upcoming hearings. No public meetings have been scheduled yet, Jakubowski said.
New development in this High Plateau Subarea at densities higher than one dwelling unit per 35 acres is “generally not supported,” according to the County’s Master Plan.
This proposal for 90 homes would result in a housing density of about 1.5 dwelling units per acre, but Vogel & Associates,
a development consultant working on behalf of Koelbel, asserted in submitted documents that its proposed “clustered land use configuration is consistent with neighborhoods that have been developed within the Castle Pines SUA,” and would help preserve natural rock formations and ridgelines present on the property. Vogel & Associates indicated Koelbel’s intent
is to also preserve and enhance Pretty Woman Ranch and create a public cultural/ interpretive park celebrating the ranch’s history.
To learn more details about the proposal, visit, click on the ‘Project Search’ button, and enter the project number, DR2021-006.
August 2021