Page 28 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
P. 28

Glynis Albright, officially “America’s Waffle Queen” By Nancy Koontz; photos courtesy of Glynis Albright
Glynis Albright featuring her  rst two retail products, Glynis’ Wa e Mix and Glynis’ Poultry Coating Mix. Coming soon will be a caramel spice syrup, French toast mix, seafood coating mix, sour cream biscuit mix, chicken batter, beignet mix ... and much more.
When 13-year Castle Pines Village resident Glynis Albright was diagnosed with blood cancer in 1993, she knew she had to focus on getting healthy and taking the best care of herself so she could be there for her family. She became known as one of the country's gurus for creating reduced sugar, low fat, and low sodium (but still delicious) desserts. She appeared on covers of several healthy magazines and spoke publicly about the importance of nutrition as it relates
to healing. Albright made it one of her missions to share her life experiences and journey to wellness with the public.
Born in New Orleans and having moved
to Southern California at the age of 10, Albright’s talents and love of cooking began when she was in grade school and continued as a survival mechanism through college and the early years of her marriage to her junior high school sweetheart – now husband of 36 years – Gerald Albright. “As a young married couple and due to a
tight budget, we ate wa es with chicken,  sh and shrimp as our dinner meal, as well as for breakfast. It was then that I started sharing my cooking with friends who visited us,” stated Albright.
Albright was a student at UCLA during
the peak of her illness, switching gears from wanting to be a surgeon to graduating with a PhD in natural medicine. “I wanted to create food for people with health challenges like me,” stated Albright. And so was born her  rst company, Just Sweet Enough and then later her second company Cookie Dots, both of which were geared toward a healthier, yet delicious alternative to high fat, high sugar baked goods.
Today, Albright is getting back to her Louisiana roots and focusing her business acumen on her new company, Albright Cuisine, launching her wa e and poultry coating mixes. Unlike ‘Aunt Jemima’
or ‘Mrs. Butterworth’ who are  ctional characters, Glynis is a real person with her likeness stamped on every product, and the products are distributed by a company she owns. These characteristics have set her apart from the other brands.
A simple Google search reveals Glynis Albright o cially (and trademarked) as “America's Wa e Queen.” Having created a logo, patented her products, and sealed
a manufacturing deal for her wa e and poultry coating mixes, Albright and her new branding “Glynis’ Kitchen” will be visiting all major cities in the U.S. She is looking forward to having her own television show “Inside Glynis’ Kitchen” and releasing her autobiography/cookbook, which she hopes will be on the best seller list.
Albright also started M.A.N.E. (Making Advancements toward Nutritional Empowerment) – a 501(c)(3) nonpro t organization to provide charitable services through volunteer programs and community service projects. M.A.N.E. assists women and men in rebuilding their self-esteem
and physical appearance following hair loss due to serious illness, while at the same time educating those a ected by health challenges on the importance of nutrition in attaining and maintaining good
Unlike Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth, Glynis Albright is a real person and her image is characterized on all her products.
health. “Through my own experience as a leukemia survivor, I realized that hair, skin, teeth, nails, and weight were the  ve characteristics a ected and uncontrolled due to the disease,” stated Albright. “Unfortunately, these elements are most judged by society. I made it my goal to assist others su ering from any health challenge by supplying free services in these areas.”
Glynis Albright has proven her resilience and is here to celebrate the good times in her life with her husband and their two adult children, daughter Selina and son Brandon. “I see myself continuing to do the things I usually do, but on a larger scale ... and helping others through M.A.N.E.,”
Glynis Albright feeling at home while  lming in her kitchen in Castle Pines Village.

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