Page 38 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
P. 38

Meet our intern writers
Submitted by Laura Stadele and Julian Bouquet, RHMS teachers; courtesy photos
The Castle Pines Connection is honored to have four Rocky Heights Middle School (RHMS) students working with us as interns for the 2018-19 school year. Our interns contribute stories and photos about happenings at their middle school. We would like to welcome our interns and introduce them to our readers.
Lia Pirazzi
Lia Pirazzi is one of our new interns and just started writing for The Connection this month. Pirazzi is a Castle Pines native and an eighth- grade student at RHMS. She enjoys writing and cooking in her spare time. Pirazzi has been a member of the NaNoWriMo writing club for her entire middle school career and is “excited to be writing an article for The Connection!” She has been writing since third grade and stated, “I started writing to prove that my dyslexia couldn’t prevent me from writing, and I fell in love with it from there.”
Ryan Miller, another new intern, will start writing for The Connection next month. In his free time, Miller enjoys  ying RC planes and playing hockey. He has played hockey for  ve years with a club team outside of school. Miller is also a member of the National Junior Honor Society at RHMS, where he is in eighth grade. He is excited to be writing for The Connection and commented that he wants “To help show what the school has to o er!”
Natalie Bruce and Taylor Jeppson, both eighth-graders, are the Editors-in-Chief for the RHMS yearbook sta . Jeppson and Bruce oversee the Nighthawk yearbook sta  of 64 members. Their main responsibilities include capturing photos, designing pages, and encouraging their fellow students in creating the best yearbook they can. Both photographers are excited to be taking photos for The Connection. “I like photography, especially when you are able to capture people in the moment,” said Jeppson.
Ryan Miller
Natalie Bruce
Taylor Jeppson

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