Page 12 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection proof
P. 12

12 Smorgasbord in Chile?
coast; find where Chileans play in the summer. Two places stand out: Vina del Mar and Renaca. Partake in the lifestyles of the well-to-do and take in their estates. Carriage trade restaurants and beaches abound.
Leave Chile’s mid-section for Antofagasta, in the Atacama Desert. Spend three to five days in the area; view mining on an incomprehensible scale. Via Calama, make passage to San
Pedro de Atacama, close to Bolivian and Argentinian borders. So much to see and savor – Tatio geysers, Valley of the Moon, salt flats, flamingos, ruins of the ancients and San Pedro, an exceptionally charming village.
On to Patagonia via Punta Arenas and 100,000 inhabitants on the Straits of Magellan – an outdoor art museum itself. You are close to the end (finisterre) of the earth! Patagonia is part of Chile and Argentina; viewing much of the beauty requires switch-backing between countries. Ensure you get an Argentine VISA in the United States. Describing Patagonia as exquisite borders on an insult! Do not miss Torres del Paine National Park, Argentine Glacier National Park and El Chalten, gateway to Mt Fitzroy and sister peaks.
Depart Punta Arenas for Puerto Montt. This lake region (Region de los Lagos) supports sizeable dairy farms and ranches with its fertile soils and abundant rain. To boost their economy in 1848, the government legislated a homestead act, enticing Germans to immigrate. The
plan worked nicely. With Teutonic efficiency Chilean dairy farmers compete today with New Zealanders as the world’s most efficient.
Green fields, lakes and volcanos dominate the landscape. On a clear day with a cell phone camera, the abundant crystal clear lakes with reflections of snow-covered volcanos can make National Geographic photographers of anyone! Visiting Chiloe Island is a step into the past. Architectural (wooden churches) wonders, cultural, and seafood feasts await.
Chile, the economic miracle, (delivered by
the “Chicago Boys”, U.S.-educated Chilean economists) makes her the tenth freest country in the world. Deposing Salvador Allende in the 70s, and voting out General Pinochet has replaced malfeasance with benign government, and it shows. Seize the moment now and
later captivate friends by sharing your Chilean smorgasbord!
Article and photos by Joe Gschwendtner
Valley of the Moon, Atacama Desert
Alleyway in Valparaiso barrios
Pacific seaside, Zappillar, north of Vina Del Mar
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Mature Americans seldom consider South America for independent travel. Currency devaluations, revolutions and erratic creature comforts lead most travelers to tours and cruises. Chile is decidedly different. Discoverable along a 2,700 miles axis, she offers epic landscapes and cultural and culinary charm. No nation on the continent is safer nor offers such a smorgasbord of natural beauty.
Launch with LAN Chile, the national airline. Schedule an end-to-end package. Include the Atacama Desert, driest on earth, Patagonia, German-influenced lake country, including the Chilean Archipelago and lastly, the Santiago/ Valparaiso region. You may consistently rely on world-class wine, seafood cuisine and first-world amenities and infrastructure at every turn.
Visit Santiago and environs briefly to appreciate the affluence and economic success Chile enjoys. Nearby is the working port city of Valparaiso. Colorful barrios in city heights are indeed art, worth the detour alone. Motor north on the Pacific
We bring you another article in our monthly series, “The Travel Monocle." Our intent is to spark a lust for places and adventures not ordinarily considered. To pique curiosity all over the globe. To unlock romance and history that sets some destinations apart from others. When successful, the passage
we feature is intended to take you well beyond the ordinary, humdrum and predictable.
“We travel in essence, to become young fools again, to slow down time and get taken in, and fall in love once more."
- Pico lyer
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