Page 13 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection proof
P. 13
The Bibliophiliac’s Corner
“A Dream Worth Living: Finding strength in the depths of struggle along the Continental Divide”
By Amanda Merriman
Connection writer Amanda Merriman admits she is hopelessly addicted to books. It has been this way nearly all her life. Every month she shares what she has been reading with the hope that others will share in the obsession too.
This month, I shifted gears and read an inspiring memoir, “A Dream Worth Living: Finding strength in the depths of struggle along the Continental Divide.” This memoir was written by Castle Pines resident Andy Amick and chronicles his experience racing in the 2014 Tour Divide. Learn more about Andy on page 35.
The Tour Divide takes participants on a cross-country mountain bike adventure from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. The 2,800-mile journey has more than 200,000 feet of elevation gain and requires riders to be self- supported. This means adopting a “bikepacking” style – carrying your own food, water and equipment on your bike during the race. There are no entry fees,
no sponsorships and no prizes at the finish. It is the longest off pavement route in the world through stunningly beautiful, but often remote, terrain that physically and mentally challenges racers over the two weeks it takes to complete.
“Keep on pushing the limits and the boundaries that people try to construct around you.” – Andy Amick
Amick’s adventure memoir shifts between events that happened during the race and his inner growth during the process. One of my favorite parts of the book is the chapter that Amick dedicated to
his kids. It is titled “Rules Matter. Until They Don’t.” This chapter discusses why Amick chose
to break the Divide rules and meet his family in Breckenridge. (Out of town visitation of family/ friends along the course is prohibited.) Amick writes about the importance of finding what makes your soul “sing” and following your heart, even if it means breaking a silly rule along the way.
Amick’s book will appeal to readers who love adventure and biking, but it is also applicable to all who are interested in personal growth and achieving their dreams.
Fellow bibliophiles and book club members, feel free to join in the dialogue. Blog your thoughts and feedback at and enter the keyword “bibliophiliac” in the search bar. Have you read a great book recently? Email your find to me at

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