Page 19 - The Investigation of Integrative, Instrumental, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of Language learners in the foreign settings
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434 Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. No. 27/ Spring & Summer 2021
I enjoy challenging myself by learning Persian 3.560 1.065
Persian language learning is a hobby for me. 3.510 1.115
I enjoy speaking in Persian language. 3.220 1.344
Table 6 depicts the subcategories of extrinsic motivation. As table 6
shows, the item of “I want to communicate with the Iranians” gained
the highest mean score, and the item of “My parents asked me to learn
Persian language” received the lowest mean score. This shows that
making communication with Iranian citizens is the strongest types of
extrinsic motivation among Persian language learners.
Table 6 Mean Standard
Subcategories of Extrinsic motivation Score Deviation
I learn Persian language because … 3.570 1.020
3.390 1.064
I want to communicate with the Iranians. 1.124
I feel that I will gain a better job.
I want to stay in a Persian speaking country 3.320 0.999
for a while.
I want to Learn Persian and travel to Persian 3.170 0.934
speaking countries. 3.080 0.727
I feel that I will experience a good life.
I need to improve my speaking skills in 2.980 0.746
Persian to impress the people around me.
I need to improve my speaking skills to gain 2.920 0.762
further financial interests. 2.560 1.114
It increases my social class status. 2.300 1.024
I want to immigrate to Iran.
My parents expect me to learn Persian
Generally, based on these tables (i.e., Table 3,4,5,6), it seems that
these participants motivated to learn Persian language in order to
understand Persian art, literature, and history, extend their knowledge