Page 25 - The Investigation of Integrative, Instrumental, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of Language learners in the foreign settings
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440 Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. No. 27/ Spring & Summer 2021
It should be mentioned that research on Persian language
teaching/leaning as a second/foreign language is still in its infancy, and
further investigations could examine it from different perspectives. This
study investigated the motivation types of language learners toward
Persian language from the perspectives of Gardner (2001) and Ryan &
Deci (2000). One line of study could examine the motivation forms of
Persian language learners using L2 motivational system proposed by
(Dörnyei, 2005, 2009). Another line of inquiry may study the
connection between motivation of Persian language learners and other
psychological variables such as their learning styles, personalities, and
learning strategies.
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