Page 24 - Microsoft Word - EPD 2022_ANNUAL REPORT_final
P. 24
K9 Unit
The K9 Unit is called to conduct bomb sweeps at businesses, schools, and
other high profile locations, such as the July 4 festivities on the Esplanade,
the T.D. Bank North Garden, and the Boston Marathon. The Patrol/Drug K9
Unit assists with calls for narcotic and patrol searches. In 2022, the K9 Unit
recorded over 39 calls for service. These calls included narcotics searches,
explosive detection calls, and trainings and demonstrations at events, such
as area schools and the Junior Police Academy. In addition, the K9 teams
have worked with nearly a dozen municipal and state agencies including US
Marshalls, DEA, and ATF.
Vast amounts of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and
firearms/ballistics were seized from the streets of
Everett and surrounding communities. Throughout the
year, several motor vehicles were seized in conjunction
with the Special Criminal Investigations Unit.
K9 Unit Highlights
In 2022 Mary found several shell casings in various locations around Everett
along with a gun and magazine found in a vehicle. Some key cases that K9 Mary
worked are outlined below.
• On January 26, rounds were fired on Malden St during an incident that is
believed to have involved two motor vehicles, three firearms, and three
shooters. Mary helped recover many of the shell casings and other
ammunition projectiles from streets, in and around houses, and motor
• In July, a female was struck by a bullet while operating a motor vehicle.
Mary was able to locate the scene of the crime and recover multiple
projectiles. Mary also assisted in searching the motor vehicle involved, she
recovered additional projectiles inside.
• In August shots were fired on Edith St. In this case, Mary was able to
recover casings and projectiles from under motor vehicles and from several
floors inside the residence.
Mary also participated in several K9 demos in various cities throughout the year.
In addition, Mary assisted the ATF and National Park Services with K9 sweeps for
several high profile events.
Everett Police Department Annual Report - 2022