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Table 3: 2018-2022 Count of Arrests for NIBRS Group B Offenses
        Note: If offense type does not appear, then none were reported.

                              Arrest Date
            Offense Type                                       2018      2019     2020      2021     2022
            Bad Checks                                            2         0        0         0        0
            Disorderly Conduct                                   28        46       32        43       26
            Driving Under the Influence                          30        65       26        24       40
            Family Offenses                                     100        93      107       117      130
            Trespass of Real Property                             9        19       14        34        5
            Liquor Law Violations                                 0         2        3         0        3
            All Other Offenses                                    0         4        0        14        0
            Total Group B Arrests                               169       229      182       232      204

     Notes on Table 3:

     Group B offenses are only reported to the State if an arrest is made. Therefore, the incident count for
     Group B offenses mirrors the arrest count. The data captured in this chart is a count of incidents, not a
     count of crimes (each incident can have more than one crime attached to it). As an example, if a party is
     arrested for shoplifting  (a group A offense) and is subsequently trespassed from the store (a group B
     offense), only the group A offense of shoplifting would be counted. Additionally, as stated above, if a
     group B offense is committed, but no arrest is made, it is not reported to the State.

          A Look Back at Arrests Made by EPD 2008-2022

                                   Everett Police Department Annual Report - 2022
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41