Page 4 - Microsoft Word - EPD 2022_ANNUAL REPORT_final
P. 4
Dear Residents,
Although the years may pass, it is essential that all our residents continue to feel
safe in our community as it grows and changes over time. The work of the Everett
Police Department is critically important to ensuring a sense of safety for all of us.
One of the reasons our public safety efforts have been successful is because of the
commitment of the members of the Everett Police Department to being positive contributors to our
In 2022, the City continued to hire new members in the department to fill vacancies that have been created
by attrition over time. It has been positive to see that Everett is not facing the hiring challenges that other
departments are experiencing. We continue to have a large number of candidates interested in working for
our City. Our commitment to use these hiring opportunities to increasingly diversify the Department
continues to be successful. We have been able to hire new officers that represent all demographic groups in
the community. The Department has also increased the number of officers who bring multi-lingual skills to
their roles.
Chief Mazzie continues to emphasize across the Department the importance of creating opportunities for
residents to interact with officers and Department personnel in positive community settings. Our School
Resource Officers are furthering conversations with young adults at the Everett High School. This creates
better opportunities for students to share their perspectives on issues that are important to them. The Junior
Police Academy was resumed in 2022. We continued our National Night Out tradition, which included walks
starting in our neighborhoods. As I have said before, providing residents with an opportunity to engage with
members of the Department in comfortable, non-threatening situations to learn about one another and gain a
better understanding of each other is an important part of effective community policing.
Public confidence in policing can only be achieved when residents know that members of law enforcement
are being held accountable. I hope that the information contained in this report demonstrates that the work
being done at the department level and to meet the Commonwealth’s POST Commission (Police Officer
Standards & Training) standards assures the members of our community how seriously the Department
takes its responsibility to ensure public accountability.
I encourage anyone who has questions about the information contained in this report, about our public safety
efforts, or who has questions or concerns about anything going on in Everett to not hesitate to reach out to
the Department directly.
Everett is a vibrant, diverse community that I am grateful to be able to call my home. I appreciate all the work
that the Everett Police Department does each year to make sure that we all feel safe in our homes and our
Carlo DeMaria - Mayor
Everett Police Department Annual Report - 2022