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Our Mission...
"Education can be one of the main tools to cultivate in our young people
respect for others and teach them how to distinguish and combat hate speech
in all its forms." Niki Kerameus UNESCO, October 2021
In the northernmost and easternmost part of Greece, on a historical path
from west to east, in a part of the great land of ancient Thrace, where
languages, cultures and religions have met for centuries now, the formation and
safeguarding of conditions and environments for the development of actions in
a modern, pluralistic, and democratic school within the framework of national
educational policy is our primary mission. A school that provides young people
with the framework for psycho-emotional development, responds to new global
challenges, develops learning skills and life skills through the emphasis on
educational innovation, sustainability, the development of intercultural
empathy and communication and the lifelong professional development of
teachers. An education that develops critical thinking, that teaches our
students to discover knowledge rather than transfer it, that brings students closer
to the needs of the market and their professional future/ development An
education that contributes to the formation of thinking and whole person
development of individuals.
"Children who are now entering the School will enter the labour market in 2040. 2040 will not
be like today where most people study a profession and do it for the rest of their lives. In 2040,
children will change many professions and will constantly need to adapt and adapt again and
again." N. Kerameos Syros May 2022