Page 8 - POP UP BOOK
P. 8

Landslide  Landslides  are  events  in  which  land

                                                                  movements  occur  due  to  the  mass  movement  of

                                                                  rocks  or  large  clumps  of  land.  The  cause  of  the

                                                                  landslide itself is classified into 2 namely the driving

                                                                  factors  and  trigger  factors.  The  driving  factor  is  a

                                                                  factor  that  affects  the  condition  of  the  material,

                                                                  while the trigger factor is the factor that causes the

                                                                  material to move.

                                                                  In our country, Indonesia, landslides are not a new

                                                                  natural phenomenon. Some regions have even been

                                                                  subscribed  to  this  landslide.  Landslides  can  be

                                                                  caused by natural factors and social factors.
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