Page 26 - MORINGA OLEIFERA-The Most Useful Plant on Earth
P. 26
Intestinal worms are a terrible problem for people throughout impoverished areas of
the world. Once their gut fills with worms and parasites, they absorb fewer nutrients
from their meals. This lessening of nourishment causes weight loss and ill health.
Furthermore, de-worming kits are expensive, and most cannot afford them.
Moringa dewormer is here! Amazingly, the leaves and pods of the tree have a long
anecdotal history of being an effective anthelmintic de-wormer. This anecdotal
history has led to the financing by many international science groups, to the study of
Moringa and its effect on intestinal worms. A variety of published studies have
reached the same conclusion. Daily consumption of Moringa successfully controls
intestinal parasitism. Furthermore, it’s a better option than one-time de-worming kits,
as people are exposed daily, and need continual de-worming. Even with access to
clean water purified by Moringa seeds, they will still pick up parasites and worms
from many environmental sources.
Use of the moringa tree gives people the capacity to manage this problem. Field
workers from ECHO, who distributed Moringa, observed a purging of worms after the
first Moringa meal, and this cleansing will continue with regular consumption. What
a life improving treasure!
Moringa may not be a 100% in regards to worm removal, science is still exploring its
impact on a variety of parasites. Based on preliminary scientific studies however, it
can be surmised that it will improve the problem in dramatic ways, lessening the
suffering, and providing a permanent long term management plan for this starvation
causing reality for millions of people.