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               EM Abdallah (2016) Antibacterial properties of leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera Lam growing in Sudan.
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               Rockwood JL, Anderson BG, Casamatta DA (2013) Potential uses of Moringa oleifera and an examination
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               Onsare JG, Kaur H, Arora DS (2013) Antimicrobial activity of Moringa oleifera from different locations
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               J W. Fahey (2005) Moringa oleifera: A review of the medical evidence for its nutritional, therapeutic, and
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               Shirley, Natural treatments for infectious diseases, drug-resistant bacteria. Shirley’s Wellness Café.

               The Moringa (2015) Moringa oleifera:  Powerful natural antibiotics to combat infections.

               FYI. (2011) Moringa juice is a natural antibiotic.

               BREAST MILK

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               oleifera Lam) powder in rats white female wistar.  Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 3(4)

               JS King MD, PF N Raguindin, MD, LF Dans, MD (2013) Moringa oleifera (Malunggay) as a galactagogue for
               breast feeding mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.  The
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               L Bolton (2014) Galacta-What? How to increase milk supply, naturally.  Moringa, Moringa for nursing
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               Support And Sisterhood (2012) Traditional African Nutrition and Breastfeeding.

               E Yones, ML Price (2007) The Moringa Tree.  Echo Technical Note.

               P Francis N Raguindin, LF Dans, JF King (2014) Moringa oleifera as a galactagogue.  Breast Feeding
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      Moringa for pregnant and lactating mother.  Moringa oleifera nutrition.  The Moringa
               tree, also known as mama’s best friend.

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