Page 9 - MORINGA OLEIFERA-The Most Useful Plant on Earth
P. 9
International Journal of
Nutrition and Food
Sciences 2015
Moringa oleifera
“Moringa is one plant that virtually
contains all the whole nutrients needed by
man. They contain both the most essential
and non-essential nutrients. Increase
awareness on the nutritional and medicinal
potential of Moringa should form the
priority of all health institutions….”
Journal of Microbiology,
Biotechnology and Food
Sciences 2011
Proximate Study, Mineral and
Anti-Nutrient Composition of
Moringa oleifera Leaves…
The International Moringa “The results of proximate
Germplasm Collection 2013 analysis revealed the
presence of high crude
Cool Moringa Research: protein and carbohydrate.
The leaves also contained
“The much lower cost of Moringa means appreciable amounts of
that it is a protein and calcium source crude fiber, ash, crude fat
that is more inexpensive and with much and fatty acid.”
lower environmental impact than milk.”